停止虐待動物 動物權益組織的獲獎紀錄片《家禽》(三集之一)   
第1 集 Play with windows media ( 50 MB )
第2 集 Play with windows media ( 48 MB )
第3 集 Play with windows media ( 47 MB )

The images in the following program are very sensitive and may be as disturbing to viewers as they were to us. However, we have to show the truth about animal cruelty.

HOST: Benevolent viewers, today on Stop Animal Cruelty we bring you excerpts from the award-winning documentary Fowl Play, directed by Adam Durand and produced by Mercy for Animals, a US-based non-profit animal advocacy organization. The film, which will be presented in three parts, exposes the utterly inhumane treatment of hens by the egg industry.

In April 2009, Fowl Play won the Best Documentary Short category at the Fallbrook Film Festival in California, USA and deservedly so. The film leaves a deep impression on all viewers as it shows how merciless farming practices mean a profoundly nightmarish existence for chickens.

For more details on Fowl Play please visit www.FowlPlayMovie.com
The Fowl Play DVD is available at the same website.

停止虐待動物 鵝肝醬:強迫灌食下的產物
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停止虐待動物 無言的吶喊:火雞所受的折磨
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停止虐待動物 骯髒的工廠式養殖場裡家禽受虐的情況
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停止虐待動物 為動物發聲:加拿大農場動物聯盟
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停止虐待動物 訪問《地球眾生》的導演尚恩‧曼森
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Lectures from International Gatherings in 2008 and 2009
Aphorisms scrolls
Peace & Freedom Scrolls
Supreme Master Ching Hai's Aphorisms