停止虐待動物 訪問《地球眾生》的導演尚恩‧曼森   
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第2 集 Play with windows media ( 39 MB )

Kind viewers, welcome to another episode of Stop Animal Cruelty on Supreme Master Television.

Today’s program features Shaun Monson, a vegan or follower of an animal-free diet, who wrote, produced and directed “Earthlings,” an award-winning 2005 documentary on animal suffering. The film was narrated by US actor Joaquin Phoenix, vegan star of the Oscar-winning film “Walk the Line.”  “Earthlings” has earned the nickname the “Vegan Maker” because many of its viewers subsequently become vegans.

The film contains undercover footage of the tragic lives of defenseless, innocent sentient beings who are savagely mistreated and killed for food, clothing, pets, entertainment and use in so-called scientific experiments.

“Earthlings” has received numerous honors, including the Proggy Award given by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, a US-based animal welfare organization, and the Best Documentary Award in the Animal Advocacy category at the International Artivist Film Festival, an event held annually in California, USA.
Mr. Monson describes how he became interested in protecting animals.

The DVD edition of Earthlings is available at www.earthlings.com

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停止虐待動物 「國際動物保護者協會」紀錄片:《拯救靈長類動物》
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停止虐待動物 國際動物保護者協會影片:《停止馬戲團動物受苦》
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