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Vice-President Edward McMillan-Scott - European Parliament
Our Planet is in trouble.

Maneka Gandhi – Parliament Member & former Environment Minister; INDIA, Vegan
We are so so close to the red line that perhaps we may wake up tomorrow and find that there is nothing to save after all.

Dr. Robert T. Watson – British award-winning climate scientist
The issue of livestock and meat is not only a diet issue; it is an environmental issue.

Dr. Jane Goodall – British UN Messenger of Peace; world-renowned primatologist
The destruction of the environment by using large areas of land to feed cattle or pigs is actually taking up an awful lot of land that could be used that could be used to produce far more protein if it was vegetable protein.  Making animal protein is wasteful.

Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen - Finland
It is creating a lot of greenhouse gas emissions.

Mayor Kerry Prendergast – Wellington, New Zealand
50% of our national greenhouse gas emissions come from the agricultural sector primarily in the form of methane.

Vice-President Edward McMillan-Scott - European Parliament
The United Nations in particular, but also other organizations have encouraged people to give up meat.

Maneka Gandhi – Parliament Member & former Environment Minister; INDIA, Vegan
Unless we change our food choices, nothing else matters.  Because it is meat that is destroying most of our forests.  It is meat that pollutes the waters, it is meat that is creating disease which leads to all our money being diverted to hospitals. So it’s the first choice for anybody who wants to save the earth.

Prime Minister Gordon Brown – United Kingdom
It will of course mean new kinds of consumer behavior and lifestyles. And all of us: government, business, civil society, individuals…all of us have a major part to play. I have no doubt that this is a challenge to which we can all rise.

His Serene Highness, Prince Albert II of Monaco
The earth we leave for our children must be safeguarded.  Let us choose hope founded on humanitarian values.  Let us be determined to place mankind at the heart of our priorities.

Ronan Lee – Member of Parliament; Australia, Vegetarian
Be Veg. Go Green. Save the Planet

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SOS Climate Change
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Global Shift to Vegan Diet Could Cut Climate Change Mitigation Costs by 80% :PBL study
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Special: Supreme Master Ching Hai on Climate Change: The Solution Feb. 28, 2008 - Austria
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