Чешские картофельные вареники и свежие соки, дарящие молодость      
Potato Dumplings
1 kilogram potatoes
200 grams flour
3 teaspoons salt
Sweet Garnish
Icing sugar
Vegan butter
Ground walnuts
Savory Garnish
150 grams smoked tofu
5 large onions
according to preference
Fruit Juices
Yellow melon
Soy milk
Almond milk

Potato Dumplings
  1. Peel the potatoes, cut in quarters and soak in cold water.
  2. Peel the onions and cut into strips or diced (optional)
  3. Cook the potatoes in adequate water until they are tender. Add 2 teaspoon of salt.
  4. Meanwhile, heat some oil on a frying pan and fry the onions until they are nice and brown.
  5. When the potatoes are tender, pour the water out and leave a little bit of water on the bottom. Set the water aside to be used later if needed.
  6. Put the flour in the potato pot and put on the lid, so the steam doesn’t leak out. And steam it for another 10 minutes.
  7. When it is over 10 minutes, mash the potatoes and the flour together. Add more water if necessary. The dough should be really stiff not liquidy.
  8. To cut out the dumpling, dunk a spoon in the melted vegan butter, and scoop out some potato dough. Put it on a plate.

Fruit Juices
  1. Squeeze one or two oranges. Pour it into a mug.
  2. Take a centrifugal juicer to take out the juice from a grapefruit. First, peel the grapefruit and squeeze it using the centrifugal juicer.
  3. For pears and apples, remove the stems before hand.
  4. To prepare fruit cocktail, use banana, strawberries, and coconut.
  5. For the base ingredients, use soy milk.
  6. Put 2 or 3 pieces of banana in a glass and pour soy milk on it. And mix them.
  7. Do the same with strawberries.
  8. For coconut, use almond milk.

File NO: 1786
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