Афганская самоса качалу (золотистые картофельные вареники) (дари)      
For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available
½ kilogram potatoes
1 kilogram wheat flour
Fresh coriander as needed
Black pepper
Coriander seeds
Fresh ginger or ginger powder
1 teaspoon yeast
1 teaspoon baking powder
Served with chutney
made from 2 tomatoes,
2 green chilies,
a little salt, and coriander

  1. Use spoon to add the flour.
  2. Mix together the oil, the flour, and the baking powder together with the yeast and salt.
  3. Add some water and make the dough. Use sufficient water so that the dough becomes sticky, not too soft nor too hard, and takes the shape of a ball.
  4. The dough should be a consistency that doesn’t stick to the hands nor the bowl.
  5. Leave the dough for about 5 to 10 minutes so that it settles and rises.
  6. Put a plastic cover on it or spread a piece of cloth over it.
  7. Meanwhile, prepare the filling for the dumpling.
  8. Add the potato to the oil, leave it until it is fried a little.
  9. Chop the fresh coriander. Add it into the potato.
  10. Add the ginger and the black pepper, then the coriander seeds, and the cumin.
  11. Add in the salt.
  12. Mix the potato with the coriander and spices.
  13. When the potato is fried, take it out and place onto a clean dish.
  14. Let the potato cooled. This potato can be uses as a filling, or eat it with bread, or serve it with salad.
  15. Take a wooden board and prepare the dough.
  16. Make the dough in the shape of small balls.
  17. Add some of the dry flour so that the dough won’t stick to the board.
  18. Use a rolling pin to flatten the dough into a circle, not very thin not very thick but medium thick. Make sure to make a real circle.
  19. If you don’t get a circle shape, use a plate on the dough and cut around the plate. Then the circle will be very nice.
  20. Take a knife, cut the circle in the middle, so there are two semi-circles.
  21. Fold the semi circle and fold the other edge too and press them together. Now it forms a funnel.
  22. Put 1 spoonful of the filling mixture into the funnel. Close the top of the funnel.
  23. Put in on the board and slowly close the top.
  24. When all the small balls become the dumpling, heat some oil in a frying pan and put the dumpling into the pan one by one.
  25. Fried the dumpling.
  26. Decorate a plate with lettuce, young onion and green chili.
  27. This dumplings can be eaten with a chutney made with 2 tomatoes, 2 green chilies, a little salt and coriander. If you like, you can add garlic in it, and then mix it, and eat it with the dumplings.
  28. Ready to be served.

File NO: 1471
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