Понду – особые блюда из кассавы, Конго (лингала)
For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available Pondu leaves Cassava Green peppers Aubergine Spinach Soy protein Leek Onion Garlic Salt Palm oil - Boil some water, until it is hot, and then add in the pondu leaves. Increase the heat so that is lights up well.
- Meanwhile, chopped the green pepper into small pieces. When the pondu already hot, mix the green pepper with the pondu.
- Chopped the leek into small pieces and mix it with the pondu.
- Take onions and cut them into very fine pieces, and mix it with the pondu.
- Take the aubergine, peel off the skin, chopped it into small pieces and mix it with the pondu.
- Add in some salt.
- Add in the Bitekuteku that has been chopped into small pieces.
- Add in some palm oil.
- Add in the soy protein.
- Cook the pondu and everything else for about 40 minutes.
- The pondu is ready to eat with rice of cassava.
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