Бенинское пюре из маниока с соусом из окры (язык фон)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available) (Serves 5)
300 grams fried soy protein chunks
500 grams gari (cassava flour)
200 grams okra
1 can tomato paste
5 cherry tomatoes
3 tablespoons oil (preferably olive oil)
2 Scotch bonnet peppers
3 teaspoons chili powder
Bell pepper (green, red, yellow)
1 tablespoon mustard
Salt to taste
Veggie bouillon cube

Directions (to make okra gravy):
  1. First, we will start by cutting the okra into thin slices (the end of the okra
    Needs to be removed)
  2. Put the sliced okra into the pan
  3. Slice the onions
  4. Cut a bit of green peppers, which will be used as a garnish
  5. Cut the red pepper for the garnish
  6. Add a bit of oil in a different pan
  7. Fry the onions
  8. Add a bit of mustard to okra
  9. Add veggie bouillon cube
  10. Adding mustard, pepper and other spices, then salt into the fried onions pan
  11. Mix it all together
  12. Add the soy protein to the mixture
  13. Add some chili powder to enhance the taste
  14. Add the chili paste
  15. Pour in the tomato purée and start stirring everything, so it doesn’t overcook
  16. Stir the okra
  17. Let the ingredients cook. The tomatoes will blend in nicely with the other ingredients
  18. After the okra is properly cooked and the mixture as well. So we are going to pour the okra into the mixturein order to get our desired okra gravy
  19. Then carefully and gently stir the mixture
  20. Put the lid on and turn the heat down a bit
  21. Okra sauce ready to serve

Directions (to make the mash):
  1. Put another saucepan into the stove
  2. Start boiling water
  3. Carefully adjust the heat, preferably low heat
  4. Add the onions
  5. Add the green pepper
  6. Add a bit of salt and taste it to see if it is sufficient
  7. Add just a little bit of oil so that it doesn’t stick to the saucepan
  8. Stir well
  9. Put the lid on and let it boil
  10. Slowly start adding the cassava flour into the boiling water and keep stirring
  11. The mash is ready
  12. Put the mash in this bowl then put it on the plate
  13. Add the okra sauce
  14. Decorate the plate
  15. Mashed cassava with okra gravy is ready to serve

File NO: 1609
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