Сырой веганский десерт с бананом и мороженным повара и автора книг Марилин Петерсон      
Vegan Banana Splitz (Yield: 2 servings)
2 bananas, small, peeled and sliced lengthwise
6 scoops ice creams (3 scoops each per boat)
1 – 2 cups blueberry sauce
2 tablespoons pecans, chopped small
2 tablespoons vegan whipped cream
(Soy Whip, Rice Whip, or homemade raw vegan)
Garnish: mint leaves, strawberry fan

Vegan Strawberry Ice Cream (Yield: Serves 12 – 15)
1 quart coconut nectar juice
3½ cups strawberries
2 tablespoons coconut oil
2 cups cashews, raw
½ cup agave nectar

Vegan Coconut Date Ice cream (Yield: 2 cups)
1 can coconut milk (or blended fresh coconut meat and coconut juice)
15 dates, pitted
1 tablespoon coconut oil
½ cup coconut, dried, shredded

Vegan Tangy Lemon Tango Sorbet (Yields 8½ cups)
1 tablespoon fresh ginger, minced
½ cup water, pure
2¼ cups agave nectar
3 cups cashews, raw
4 cups lemon juice, fresh (Marilyn prefers Myer lemons as the best)

Blueberry Sauce
2 cups (1 pint) blueberries, fresh
4 – 6 tablespoons agave nectar, raw
1 teaspoon coconut oil
Raw Vegan Whipped Cream
Agave (or dates)
Vanilla extract

  1. Take the strawberries, cut off the stems and wash them. Put them in a blender.
  2. Add some raw cashew nuts.
  3. Add in ¼ cup of agave nectar.
  4. Add in 1 tablespoon of coconut oil.
  5. Turn on the blender.
  6. Pour out the strawberry cream into a container and freeze it .
  7. To make coconut date ice cream, put in a blender 1 can of coconut milk.
  8. Add in 15 pitted dates.
  9. Add in 1 tablespoon of coconut oil.
  10. Turn on the blender.
  11. Add in the shredded coconut meat.
  12. Pour in the coconut ice cream into a container and freeze it.
  13. Please take them out 10 minutes before eating them, so that they can no have that icy feeling, and the texture will be perfect.
  14. To make Tangy Lemon Tango Sorbet, put in the cashew in the blender.
  15. Add in the lemon juice.
  16. Add in 1 tablespoon of mince fresh ginger.
  17. Add in ½ cup of pure water.
  18. Add in 2 ¼ cup of agave nectar.
  19. Turn on the blender. Start it on low.
  20. Pour them in into a container and freeze it.
  21. To make the banana boat, slice the banana.
  22. Scoop out the three different ice creams and arrange them on the banana.
  23. To make the blueberry sauce, blend some fresh blueberries and agave and some coconut oil.
  24. Pour the blueberry sauce on the banana and the ice cream.
  25. Put some soy whipped cream on top.
  26. Garnish it with some fresh strawberries.
  27. Sprinkle it with some nuts.
  28. Ready to be served.

File NO: 1714
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