Ватсе с томатным соусом народа котоколи (котоколи)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
400 grams beans (any kind)
400 grams rice
100 grams tomatoes
4 pieces red chili peppers
40 grams ginger
5 grams salt
Green peppers

Directions (to make the watsé ):
  1. Put water in the pot
  2. Put in the beans
  3. Start the fire
  4. You can dry out the pepper by placing them on top of the cover so when you need to grind Them, it will be easier
  5. Check if the beans are boiling, then we put red potash according to the quantity of the beans. The potash is going soften the beans, making it really nice
  6. Check if the water is boiling and if the beans are soft then add some salt
  7. Put washed rice in to mix with the beans (the quantity of rice and beans should be more or less the same)
  8. Mix them very well
  9. Wait for a few minutes until it cooked well
  10. Put the waste into the plate
Directions (to make tomato sauté):
  1. Cutting tomatoes and peppers
  2. Peel the ginger well so that the skin is all scraped off
  3. Chop the ginger into small pieces
  4. Cut the onions
  5. If the red chili pepper is dried then we are going to grind it together with the ginger
  6. Pour the oil into the pan
  7. When the oil is hot, we are going to put the tomatoes in
  8. Continue to sauté until the color changes
  9. Put the dried pepperand ginger mixture that we had ground
  10. Stir it
  11. Put in the green peppers
  12. Put the onions
  13. Put all the seasoning
  14. Keep stirring so that the bottom won’t get burnt
  15. Put in some salt
  16. Now you see that everything is cooked and mixed very well
  17. When the tomato sauté is ready put it on the top of the waste
  18. Decorate it
  19. Ready to serve

File NO: 1637
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