Карах Паршад: Традиционная индийская благословенная халва (хинди)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
4 tablespoons wheat flour
3 tablespoons sugar
2 – 3 green cardamom, crushed
3 – 4 strands saffron
4 tablespoons oil
Raisins and
chopped almonds to garnish

  1. Heat up 4 tablespoon oil, and then add the wheat flour, the sugar, the ground cardamom, and some saffron.
  2. Lower the heat and fry them nicely until it is brown.
  3. And if you feel the flour is a little dry, you may add some oil if you prefer.
  4. Stir it continuously, make sure the flour doesn’t burn and the consistency remains soft.
  5. While frying, adjust the heat to low or high as needed.
  6. When the flour is nicely fried, add water a little bit at a time, raise the heat and fry it a little more until it is nice and brown.
  7. Shift the flour into a bowl, and after a while it will become a little thick and dry as it is cooling down.
  8. Garnish it with some raisins, some pieces of almonds.
  9. Ready to be served.

File NO: 1579
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