Sweet and Sour Seaweed "Fish" with Sprinkles of Veggie Colors (In Chinese)      
For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available
Veggie Seaweed Fish
1 piece laver (seaweed)
1 bean curd sheet
5 bean curd pockets, shredded
Flour paste
Vegetable Colors
1 piece ginger
2 shiitake mushrooms
½ green bell pepper
½ red bell pepper
3 tablespoons ketchup
1 tablespoon vinegar
1 tablespoon soy sauce
Ground pepper
Corn starch
Olive oil for cooking

Veggie Seaweed Fish
1. Lay the seaweed on top of the bean curd sheet
2. Lay the shredded bean curd pockets on the seaweed
3. Wrap up the laver(seaweed), use some flour paste on the laver when wrapping on so it will stick together. Also on bean curd sheet.
4. Then wrap the bean curd sheet over the laver
5. Use some flour paste and fold the two ends, press slightly.
6. Put it on plate greased with some oil
7. And steam it for 15-20 minutes.
8. Cool it for a while.
9. Make 4 light diagonal slices on both sides of the veggie fish(avoid cutting through it)
10. Pour 3 tablespoons of olive oil into the pan.
11. Once the oil is heated, turn down the heat and fry the veggie fish until golden
12. Fry both sides until golden color.
13. Put it aside for a while

Complimentary ingredients
1. Shredd carrots, shitake mushrooms, ginger, green bell pepper, red bell pepper
2. Prepare 1TBS vinegar, 1TBS soy sauce, 3TBS ketchup, and some organic sugar, little bit of salt, and some water. Add them together with corn starch and mix well.
3. Now we will stir fry the ingredients with 1 TBS olive oil.
4. Add sliced ginger, black mushroom, carrots, red bell peppers and finally green bell peppers.
5. When the ingredients are cooked, add the seasoning.
6. Pour all of it to the veggie fish.
7. Put garnishing to make it look nicer.
8. Enjoy!

File NO: 974
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