Togolese Rice Paste Served with Peanut Sauce Stew (In Ewe)      

(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Peanut Sauce Stew
Mashed peanuts (peanut butter)
White aubergines
Scotch bonnet pepper
Banana pepper
Crushed spiced

Chili powder
Seasoning cube powder
Rice Paste


1. Chop the tomatoes into 6~8 pieces and put them in the saucepan.

2. After putting the saucepan including the tomatoes on the stove, and add the mashed peanuts to it.

3. Thoroughly stir chopped tomates and mashed peanut mix on the stove.

4. Chop all the cabbage and add it to the boiling mixture.

5. Cut the aubergines and carrots and then put them in to another pot with water.

6. After boiling the content in the pan, add the carrots and aubergines into boiling sauce.

7. Add the crushed spices such as chili powder, salt and the seasonings and then cover the lid so that the content can boil.

8. In the meantime, chop the scotch bonnet pepper and the onion and then add them to the boiling content.

9. And serve it on the plate.

1. To cook the rice paste, put the pot on the stove and add water in it. (caution: your water should be more than what we use for ordinary rice cooking)

2. Rince the rice we are going to cook the rice paste and put it into the boiling water. (caution: should cover the pot with the lid)

3. If rice is well steamed, stir it very well so the steamed rice grains becom well mashed up.

4. And put the well mashed rice in any kind of bowl to make the round-shape. , put it on the plate and serve it with sauce.

File NO: 1022
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