Dutch pigs test positive for antibiotic-resistant MRSA - 13 Aug 2009  
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 Researchers in the Netherlands have found that 39 percent of Dutch pigs and 20 percent of pig farmers are infected with an antibiotic resistant bacteria strain known as Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA).

This particular new strain has infected humans in several other European countries as well as Canada and Singapore.

Scientists fear that an MRSA epidemic in livestock may be inevitable, with animal farms a major source of MRSA infections among humans. Variants of the bug have also been found in pig and cow meats.

New serious contagions like MRSA could impose added burden to health and disease control systems already struggling  with the current swine flu pandemic.

Official counts of swine flu pandemic cases in at least 168 countries and territories have reached 219,681 with 1,882 deaths, though the real tally is many times higher.

Cases in Asia have been rising relentlessly, with Macau reporting 300, China 2,350, and Indonesia 812.
Nearby Australia reported 5 more fatalities in adults.

Upon being diagnosed with swine flu on Tuesday, Nobel Peace Laureate and Costa Rican President Oscar Arias stated, “The pandemic makes no distinctions. I am one more case in this country and I am being submitted to the recommendations that health authorities have established for the entire population.”

Meanwhile, the widely applied remedy Tamiflu is raising concerns in the United Kingdom, where so far 418 reports have been filed reporting adverse side effects including allergic reactions and nausea.

We send our prayers for a safe recovery, Your Excellency President Arias and all others suffering from the swine flu virus as well as MRSA.

Our condolences to the loved ones of those who have succumbed to these diseases.
May we prevent such grave ailments through greater compassion shown toward our mistreated animal co-inhabitants.
  ;::: Будь веганом ::: 
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