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Everest mission for climate change awareness

Dawa Steven Sherpa to summit Mt. Everest for global warming. Glaciers have been found to be melting across the Himalayas, from Pakistan to Bhutan, which researchers estimate would cause floods, followed by drought. With an estimated 20% of the world’s population dependant upon water from the Himalayas, this could have disastrous consequences. Twenty-three year old Belgian-Nepali Dawa Steven Sherpa hopes that his planned summit of Mount Everest will help raise awareness of the devastating effect global warming is having on this region. We applaud your caring efforts Mr. Dawa Steven Sherpa. May the Providence keep you safe on your journey as you urge for action to protect our life-sustaining natural resources.

Considering Cogeneration;Clean Power Whose Time has Come…Back

US Marine Corps electrical plant recycles its exhaust to create clean energy. The concept of combined heat and power (CHP) has been very popular in Europe for many years for its ability to capture lost heat and convert it into steam. This allows the power plant to become almost 90% efficient. In San Diego, California, USA, the 25-megawatt US Marine Corps power plant has been successfully co-generating clean energy for over 20 years; now it is seeking out industrial neighbors who might like to make use of its excess green energy. We salute you, US Marine Corps power plant, for your pioneering efforts to capture and share your excess energy! Many thanks for demonstrating the efficacy of co-generation!

West Virginia Helps the Nation to Save Energy with 11 Buildings Earning EPAs ENERGY STAR

US Energy Star buildings on the rise. A program in partnership with the US government to protect the environment through energy efficient practices also includes buildings. An Energy Star building must use at least one-third less energy than other structures, while maintaining standards of comfort. The number of buildings receiving Energy Star ratings have increased by 25% in the past year alone, and the offsetting of their greenhouse gas emissions is more than 25 billion pounds. What an accomplishment! Our accolades and appreciation, Energy Star and all participants! May those who receive your environmentally prestigious rating become ever more numerous, for the benefit of our planet and the sustainability of all.
15 cities pledge to cut greenhouse gases

Israel’s cities take clean air pledge. 15 cities in Israel signed an international environmental commitment to decrease greenhouse gases 20% by 2020. The signing took place at a ceremony attended by President Shimon Peres and other dignitaries. The 15 municipalities making the pledge are home to 40% of all Israelis Way to go, Israel! Best of success and many thanks for your dedication to maintaining the health of our biosphere. May your pledge to reduce emissions bring immediate and long-term benefits to your cities, the nation and our planet!
ComEd Introduces '12 Ways to Green' Campaign Following ICC Approval of Energy Efficiency Programs

US utility company launches “12 ways to Green” program. An electrical utility company in Illinois, ComEd, is providing provide consumers with information to help them reduce energy consumption, save money, and benefit the environment. Suggestion number one is to measure one’s impact and set a goal to reduce it. Those who follow ComEd’s recommendations can expect to see a 4,000 pound reduction per year in CO2 emissions. We give our heartfelt thanks ComEd for this innovative program to help consumers reduce their energy consumption. May God’s grace guide all in taking vital eco-friendly actions.

Planting the trees of tomorrow an annual tradition

Ten thousandth tree planted in US state of Washington. One hundred and twenty volunteers reached this year’s goal of planting 2,500 native trees in a Jefferson County nature preserve. As the fourth consecutive year for the tree planting, the preserve has now also reached 10,000 new trees that are helping reforest the area. Local schools raise funds year round for the endeavor, by selling $5 tree cards that pledge a tree planted for each card purchased. Kudos and a big thank you, Jefferson County residents, for your enterprising eco-creativity! Your diligent efforts is great reminder that the actions of a few can make a big difference! May Heaven shower the new preserve and seedlings with blessed rain and nourishing soil.

Nanosieves Save Energy In Biofuel Production

New membrane for biofuel and sustainable energy applications. Scientists of the University of Twente in the Netherlands have developed an effective membrane for the refinement of biofuels and other methods such as water desalinization. The materials used for the new membrane last longer, even when used in higher operating temperatures. The researchers also say it consumes much less energy than other methods currently employed. Bravo Dutch scientists for this innovative achievement! May your future research be rewarded with success to continue benefiting our Earth and her inhabitants.

Climate Change Impacting Marine Environment Surrounding UK

Dramatic changes on UK’s coasts due to global warming. A recent report by scientists at the National Oceanography Centre, in Southampton, UK, have documented serious changes to the marine environment around the island nations. Key findings include record warm temperatures for coastal waters, warmer winters affecting the survival of animal populations, and growing frequency in coastal erosion and severe storms. We are glad to be aware of these alarming phenomena as the United Kingdom scientists have so well presented. Knowing this is one of many cases of climate change effects in the world, we pray for ever-greater awareness and action to save lives and our Earth.

Land-Locked Swiss Invent Underwater Car

sQuba submarine car drives underwater and produces no emissions. Designed by James Bond enthusiast and concept car designer, Frank Rinderknecht, the sQuba can drive on land, navigate underwater for up to two hours, and produces no emissions. The concept car is made from a Lotus Elise, has three electric motors instead of a petrol engine, and is powered by rechargeable lithium-ion batteries. What a truly exciting way to unite land and sea excursions while being environmentally friendly! Thank you Mr. Rinderknecht for your visionary vehicle, and we surely look forward to seeing the sQuba on roads and waterways alike!

Ocean Dead-Zones May Be Linked To Global Warming
Dead zones in ocean are expanding with global warming. Oxygen deprived regions of the ocean, which do not support life, are increasing in size and frequency say scientists from Oregon State University, USA. In the journal, Science, Dr. Jane Lubchenco and other scientists explain that these dead zones are a result of global warming. Scientists believe that as the Earth is getting warmer, more phytoplankton is being produced, which is consuming the supply of oxygen and thus creates the dead zones. Our heartfelt gratitude, Dr. Jane Lubchenco and Oregon State University scientists, for your valuable research. May we heed this message to join efforts in acting immediately with lifesaving measures to protect our oceans and marine life.

30pc emission cut affordable: report

Australia proposes “a dollar a day for environment.” According to the McKinsey report, Australian households can reduce their greenhouse emissions without much change to their income. By sparing approximately 80 cents a day for investment in clean energy, Australia could bring carbon emissions down to global standards by the year 2030. Australia’s Greens Party leader Bob Brown said that his party will work with Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s government to make Australia a world leader in counteracting the effects of global warming. Senator Brown, Greens Party members and Australia, your environmental commitment is highly laudable. With God’s grace, may you meet and exceed your green goals.

Investors Eye Climate Role at UN

World’s corporate leaders address solutions to global warming at the UN Summit on climate risk. Leading financial investors and corporate heads gathered for the United Nations summit to support its environmental agenda and encourage political leaders to take action. They called on the US legislature to initiate a nationwide policy to lower greenhouse gas emissions up to 90% below 1990 levels by the year 2050. Thank you, international business leaders for the beginnings of a great green movement in our economies. We pray for continued investment support worldwide in helping to save our planet.

Boston, Cambridge recognized as green cities

US cities, Boston and Cambridge, recognized for green initiatives. Two cities in the state of Massachusetts have been ranked alongside San Francisco, California and Portland, Oregon for their eco-friendly policies. Boston and Cambridge have been heralded in the March issue of Popular Science magazine for their exemplary environmental practices in areas such as energy use, transportation, air quality, and recycling. Boston’s Mayor Thomas stated, "Being green helps us build a better city and improve our economy at the same time.” We send our appreciation all forward thinking cities that place the environment at the top of your agenda! With Heaven’s blessings and green initiatives such as these, blessed be the sustained beauty of our glorious planet Earth.