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The SOS! International Seminar on Global Warming leaves lasting impressions and much inspiration.

Thursday’s conference in Seoul, Korea on finding constructive climate solutions drew together participants from different countries and all parts of society. The seminar opened with greetings from leading scientists and politicians.

Senator Andrew Bartlett, Member of Australian Parliament – Queensland,
Animal welfare advocate, vegetarian:
I'd like to add my voice of welcome to the International Global Warming Seminar and wish you well in your debates and deliberations. I think global warming is probably the most important issue facing all of us and for taking the long term view we're facing an extremely serious threat of major climate change. I found in the political arena there's a real fear of raising the importance of changing our diet, reducing our consumption of meat and dairy products, and yet it's one of the easiest ways that we can make an immediate and quite substantial impact on reducing the immediate warming impact of emissions into the atmosphere.

Dr. Jonathan Patz, Lead author of United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports, Professor of Environment and Public Health: I think if we really begin to act together and in many ways begin to conserve energy, that we can abate climate change and sustain our population’s health and the health of the world. Thank you very much and I hope you have a successful meeting.

VOICE: Next, lectures on different aspects of global warming were presented by four distinguished guests, including Tony Clemson, head of the climate change section of the British Embassy in Seoul.

G (e): The red line shows areas of the world at risk of flooding. And if we look at the last part of this diagram, this shows over the last 50 years areas of the world where there have been conflicts or wars. And I think when one sees where the areas of the world with instability are, and one combines it with the impacts of climate change, I think we can all understand that this has profound implications for our national security.

VOICE: The highlight of the event was a live videoconference panel discussion with the guest of honor, Supreme Master Ching Hai. Despite her busy schedule, Supreme Master Ching Hai set aside time to answer questions on various aspects of climate change that are affecting humankind. Her response to one question from a government official revealed a set of priorities for the global warming solution.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: From all the concrete evidence that is given to us by the United Nations research and the scientific evidence from the scientists, not to talk about moral obligation, I think, number one: We have to stop all the killing, as I have mentioned before. We stop all killing, stop all the harming of humans and animals alike. Number two: Stop all consumption of all animal products. Number three: Encourage more virtuous life style, starting from the top, meaning starting from the leaders themselves. Number four: Turn people to more religious minded, meaning they should remember more about God. And number five: We have to repent and pray for Heaven’s grace. We have to ask for forgiveness from Heaven and from all beings for all the harm that we have done to them. And the powerful collective, positive and loving power of the whole world will repel the darkness that is coming towards us, that is facing us right now.

VOICE: Congratulations all participants for a productive gathering that covered a wide range of issues most relevant to our lives. We especially thank Supreme Master Ching Hai for her ever loving care of our planet and its many inhabitants. May our world quickly take the steps necessary to restore and preserve our Earth.

Please stay tuned for a re-broadcast of the SOS! International Seminar on Global Warming with subtitles at a later date, here on Supreme Master Television.

Britain’s Prince Charles sounds a note of warning for climate change.

His Royal Highness Prince Charles has become increasingly vocal about the dire condition of our planet and most recently stated that the world has 18 months to avert a global warming catastrophe. The prince also said that US$29.7 billion, administered as a global fund, needs to be spent each year to stop deforestation and prevent grave consequences to humanity. Without such measures, he stated, “We will end up seeing more drought and starvation on a grand scale. Weather patterns will become even more terrifying and there will be less and less rainfall.  We are asking for something pretty dreadful unless we really understand the issues now and [the] urgency of them."  

Our gratefulness for the depth of your concern, Your Royal Highness. We wish you Godspeed in your campaign to raise awareness about the seriousness of global warming. May we all take heed and make the commitments necessary to restore the balance of our precious Earth.,,,,,