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Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai in Âu Lạc (Vietnam).

The award-winning spirituality and ethics journalist from Canada, Douglas Todd, stated that global warming is not a problem to be solved only through political, scientific and economic means. In his July 7 column he wrote: “…Perhaps a spiritual response is also needed to global warming – to provide the inner strength necessary to face and combat the worst effects that are to come from the Earth’s erratically changing climate.” In a recent videoconference with our Association members in Âu Lạc, Supreme Master Ching Hai explained the link between climate change and spirituality.

Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai
with Âu Lạc (Vietnam) – July  20, 2008

Our Association member: Master, what is the correlation between human spiritual realization and global warming, especially in today’s urgent situation?

Supreme Master Ching Hai: If humankind is more spiritually elevated, then of course, global warming will lessen.When humankind becomes more spiritually uplifted, has more love for people, for all beings and all their surroundings, then global warming will lessen day by day and will disappear completely. And after that, everyone in the world will live in peace, happiness,
and will love one another. But everyone must wake up.

VOICE: We are deeply grateful to Supreme Master Ching Hai for this insight in showing us that our spirituality is the greatest protection we have. May the choice to be loving and peaceful prevail until these qualities are shared among all in our world.

Please tune in to Between Master and Disciples on Supreme Master Television at a later date for the broadcast of this videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai, with multi-language subtitles.

Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association news from Formosa (Taiwan).

Mayor Lin Junq-tzer of Hsinchu City called a press conference earlier this month with the stated theme: “Fighting global warming through the vegetarian diet to save the Earth!” Mayor Lin’s press conference followed a meeting held with our Association members and his Hsinchu City constituents. He had listened with great attention to our Association members’ presentation on the scientific evidence of how meat production is the world’s greatest cause of pollution and depletion of natural resources.

At the press conference, which was attended by 30 media journalists, our Association members were asked to present similar information. They also performed a drama to highlight the ‘big picture’ of the vegetarian solution. Mayor Lin, together with the Chief of the Environmental Protection Bureau and representatives from the media, signed the “No Meat No Heat Declaration” and appealed to the public to support this endeavor through practical actions.

Our Association member (M): If we only talk about a rise in CO2 emissions causing global warming, the world will seriously misunderstand the graveness of the problem.

Mayor Lin Junq-tzer, Hsinchu City, Formosa: I have deeply realized the benefit of vegetarian food. It is very healthy for the body. For the whole Earth, it can alleviate the burden on the energy it needs to produce. If each person were to be vegetarian for just one day, we can reduce CO2 emissions by 4.1 kg, which is the amount of CO2 absorbed by approximately180 to 360 trees. So, we can say we should only eat vegetarian food and stop eating meat.

VOICE: This news was covered through television and radio broadcasts on the Internet and in newspapers. We applaud Mayor Lin for his quick response to the urgent situation and for placing his earnest support toward this cause. We wish all Formosans (Taiwanese) soon enjoy the benefits of switching to an animal-free diet.

Gordon McBean warns of health risks due to climate change. 

Speaking with Canada’s CTV on Friday, the Nobel laureate climatologist announced some of the findings from a report that he and his colleagues are submitting to Health Canada, the nation’s health department. The report urges the federal government to do more to fortify existing infrastructure as well as notify citizens of potentially dangerous weather patterns, which are more prevalent due to climate change.

Dr. McBean and associates, we are thankful for your insights and care. May our concerted actions help avert crisis, to protect the lives of Canadians and citizens worldwide. (*)

China’s Arctic research ship finds shrinking polar cap.

With this year’s increased melting at the ice cap, the research vessel Xuelong and her 122 scientists are venturing further north and will navigate areas never before explored. Captain Wang Jianzhong noted a concern that the melted ice, which means more sea water, also means more turbulent weather in the Arctic region. The team plans to install a system that will monitor longer term marine changes and provide data on the impact of climate change in the Arctic.

We wish you a fruitful and safe journey, Xuelong research team. May your new insights about global warming help us in making wise decisions to preserve our planet.

Arctic communities’ water supplies affected by global warming.

Speaking at a climate change conference in the city of Iqaluit in Canada, researcher Paul Budkewitsch of Natural Resources Canada said that with warming temperatures already causing reduced snow and rainfall, some communities in Canada that depend mainly on glacial melt as their water source have had insufficient supplies. To better protect water resources, Mr. Budkewitsch recommended the construction of long-term storage facilities and fences to ensure the snow does not drift away.

Many thanks, Dr. Budkewitsch and Natural Resources Canada, for sharing this information about the effects of rising climate temperature. With Heaven’s blessings, may we strive to limit greenhouse gas emissions to ensure plentiful resources for the Arctic and other communities in the world.