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How to realize paradise on Earth.
In the Book of Isaiah of the Christian Bible, a prophesy describes a future era when animals such as the wolf and leopard would hunt no longer. The lion, for example, would eat straw like the bullock. Should all humans cease to take the lives of animals for food as well, would this affect other species’ behavior? This was a question answered by Supreme Master Ching Hai during a videoconference she recently granted with our Association members in Korea.

Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai
with Seoul Center, South Korea – August 9, 2008

Our Association member (F): Halo, Master. I’m wondering if all human beings become vegetarians, whether meat eating in the animal world will end as well. In the Bible, it says that lions ran and played together with the lamb, and I wonder whether there were truly such times like that in the past, and if such a day would ever come in the future.

Supreme Master Ching Hai : Yes, it was like that in some past, not always in the past history of humankind here on this planet, but in the long distant past. Now, if all the human beings become vegetarian, then the whole atmosphere of the Earth will change. The magnetic field will change. The destiny of all inhabitants will change for the better. And the animals will also stop eating meat. And truly the lambs will lay at the side of the lions as it is mentioned in the Bible, if all people turn to vegetarianism.

Remember Yogananda’s book, “The Autobiography of a Yogi?” He recounted the lion that didn’t eat meat at all. She even refused meat when somebody offered it to her, because she stayed with her master who was a yogi and who was a vegetarian. So, if more people are vegetarian, the atmosphere will change into a higher level of compassion and love, then the animals will also be affected and they will change their nature. That day might come soon. Who knows? Be positive.

VOICE: How exciting to imagine such a world of peaceful co-existence among all animals and humans! We thank Supreme Master Ching Hai for this wondrous vision – a true motivation to choose vegetarianism, the way to paradise, right here on our Earth.

Please tune in to Supreme Master Television’s Between Master and Disciples at a later date for the broadcast of this videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai, with multi-language subtitles.

Mysterious die-offs of frogs, bees, bats, crocodiles and other animals is a troubling sign. 

In May 2008, the Zoological Society of London released data indicating that between 25 and 33 percent of global wildlife had been lost since 1970. Among the most recent are frogs, with species that have been vanishing into extinction by the dozens over the past few decades.

In 2007, it was reported that on the Colorado River in the US an estimated million fish covering an area of seven miles, had suddenly died due to a lack of oxygen in the water. That same year it was confirmed that the Yangtze River dolphin, a rare freshwater marine mammal, would never been seen again.

This was only the fourth time an entire evolutionary line of mammals had been known to disappear from the Earth since 1500. In 2008, hundreds of cormorants, pelicans, herons and gulls were found dead in Minnesota, with no cause of death yet found. Recent observation of whales has found that nearly 25 percent of the total species are facing extinction due to habitat disruption, noise disturbances and food shortages.
This includes the world’s biggest gentle giant, the blue whale.
In both the US and Europe, honeybees have been mysteriously declining to the dangerous point of extinction in a phenomenon that is now being called Colony Collapse Disorder. Bats seem to be suffering the same fate. In two US caves studied in 2007, it was found that approximately 18,000 of the small animals, representing up to 97 percent of the total population, had died.

It is currently estimated that at least one third, or 2,100 of the 6,300 species known to humankind are threatened with extinction, while at least 200 have been lost forever over the past 20 years. In the world’s tropical rainforests, an average of 137 different species vanish into extinction every day due to such human practices as logging and cattle ranching. When Florida International University researchers studied a case in a Central American preserve, they realized that greater ecological factors were in play, most notably global warming. David Wake, professor of integrative biology at UC Berkeley said, "Amphibians have been around for about 250 million years. They made it through when the dinosaurs didn't. The fact that they're cutting out now should be a lesson for us."

We are grateful to scientists and all who are bringing to light this tragic alarm on the loss of our fellow inhabitants. We pray for the diligent and rapid efforts of humankind to halt global warming and all other harmful actions to ensure the survival of all God's creations.

Global warming-related rise in dengue fever.
The Central Luzon region of Pampanga, Philippines has announced a 238 percent increase in cases of dengue fever compared to the same period last year, with over 2,500 cases of the mosquito-borne disease recorded at different hospitals since January, compared to only 755 in 2007. World Health Organization (WHO) national officer Dr. John Juliard Go stated that this climate change effect means that millions of Filipinos are in danger of contracting dengue fever in the coming years.

Dr. Go and WHO, we express our appreciation for your concerned warning about the health risks posed by climate change. May nations around the world quickly work together in curbing global warming to restore the natural protection of planetary balance for all Earth’s inhabitants.

Prince Charles warns of dangers from genetically modified crops.

In a recent interview, the Prince of Wales voiced his concerns about the possibly disastrous outcomes of multi-national corporations’ promotion of genetically modified crop farming. His Royal Highness outlined a number of known issues and risks such as crop failure, loss of business for millions of small farmers, and potential environmental catastrophe resulting from ignoring the intricate complexities of our natural world. The Prince hopes instead for the worldwide spread of smaller organic farms as a way to ensure livelihoods and a constant food supply, while also caring for the environment.

Our thankfulness, Your Royal Highness, for expressing your concerns and sound beliefs to ensure the best future for all. Blessed be our role as responsible stewards of the Earth, respecting all life and the balance of Mother Nature.,,_Prince_of_Wales,