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Arctic methane release raises concern for runaway global warming.

 Scientists aboard a Russian research ship along the coast of Siberia recently discovered an extensive oceanic area releasing methane; at amounts 100 times normal for the area.  Scientists believe undersea methane in the Arctic is held in check by frozen permafrost, which is now melting as the Arctic has been rapidly warming. Dr. Örjan Gustafsson of Sweden’s Stockholm University, who was onboard the vessel, stated, “Yesterday, for the first time, we documented a field where the release was so intense that the methane did not have time to dissolve into the seawater but was rising as methane bubbles to the sea surface." Methane released into the atmosphere is up to 72 times more potent than CO2 over a 20 year period, and could thus cause accelerated global warming that would be much more difficult to control.

Supreme Master Ching Hai Video Archive:December 25, 2007 - Paris Seminar

We have to save this planet, so that we’ll be able to stay, first. 
Because if the ice all melt, if all the poles all melt out, and then if the sea is warm,
then the gas might be released from the ocean, and we might all be poisoned. It’s a lot of gas.

If you see the Singapore lecture, I already warned that we have to change the way we live, otherwise it’s  too late. It was 10 or 15 years. Or before that, I always talk about how we deforest our planet, yah? Meat eating and all that contributes to a lot of damage to our Earth planet, you know.

Scientists say many things. They are listening now, but I just hope they do it fast.  It just takes action. All the governments in the world really take it now seriously. It’s just I’m worried
the action might be too slow, that’s all. 

Because the ice reflecting the sun, you see, so send it back into the space, but the ice is melting
so fast now, that there’s not enough reflection and because the sea is already warm, it melts the ice. And because the ice melt, the sea warmer. You see what I mean,
the cycle?

The way it is going, if they don’t fix it, 4 or 5 years time, finito. No more. It’s really that urgent.

We are grateful for your advisement of these alarming facts, Dr. Gustafsson and colleagues. We pray for humanity’s response through planet-saving practices such as the plant-based diet to quickly halt these warming trends.,

Climate change poses alarming threat to amphibians.

Researchers in Europe say that continued habitat encroachment, diseases such as the chytrid fungus, and planetary warming trends will lead to the soon extinction of more than half of all frogs, toads and other amphibians. Worldwide, one in three of all amphibians are endangered, with up to 150 species that have already become extinct since the 1980s. Because of their important role in the overall web of life, any widespread loss of these animals would be accompanied by a diminishment of birds and fish and would definitely affect the human species. Renowned British naturalist, Sir David Attenborough, stated, “Amphibians are the lifeblood of many environments, playing key roles in the function of ecosystems, and it is both extraordinary and terrifying that … the world could lose half of all these species.”

Our heartfelt thanks, Sir Attenborough and European scientists, for so clearly informing us of our amphibian co-inhabitants’ plight. Our prayers are for a rapid and caring response that will safeguard all species and protect our own lives.