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Water scarcity felt throughout US. 

Dry conditions have affected states all the way from the west to the eastern coasts of the country. In California, a statewide drought was declared, with nine counties applying for emergency water assistance and many nut crops being abandoned. In North Carolina, 59 counties were declared disaster areas following a two-year drought and agricultural yields that were down by more than 50%. Meanwhile, in Texas, over 40% of the state is suffering from drought conditions despite being hit by three hurricanes this year.
We pray for the blessing of gentle rain to replenish these regions, and that more nurturing conditions may soon return to our Earth through our harmonious co-existence with all beings.

During an international seminar with our Association members on August 23, 2008, Supreme Master Ching Hai had expressed her concern for the water shortage in the United States and worldwide.She also offered the solution to this issue which would also save the planet.

Excerpt from Supreme Master Ching Hai’s lecture International Seminar August 23, 2008

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Right now, the Americans already worry about the shortage of water. Their glacier has melted, a lot more than usually. So only a little bit left on the top of some mountains in the west of United States of America. And the river has become drier, and they predict that in a few more years only, couple more years, the water might not be even enough for 23 million people who depend on that water to survive.

Can you imagine? It’s not only happening in Africa. It’s not happening in some dry, desert country. It’s happening even in the United States already, and in Australia and all that. It’s just getting worse and worse now. If I could just go out and beg everybody on the street, “Just please stop eating meat and stop raising stocks and stop using the resources of the Earth, stop wasting water!” I would do that. If people repent in their heart and react quick enough, turn to a vegetarian diet, with the grace from Heaven, with the interference from the positive power, we might be able to save 80% of the population of the planet.

 Climate change, starfish hit Fiji reefs: study

Coral reefs in Fiji shrink at alarming rate. A new study published in the journal Global Change Biology stated that from 2000 to 2006, the coral reefs around the Lau Islands of Fiji were reduced in size by about 50%. Dr. Nick Graham of James Cook University in Australia, who participated in the study, attributed the decline to over-fishing and habitat disturbances as well as coral bleaching events caused by climate change-related acidification. He recommended reducing fishing to begin relieving environmental stressors. Dr. Graham and associates, we sincerely appreciate the clear findings of your study. Let our respect for the balance of nature be shown through our steps to preserve delicate ecosystems such as these.

Presidential decree protects Brazil rain forest 

 Brazil’s coastal rainforest gains protection. Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has signed a decree for a project to restore 20 percent of Brazil’s rainforests that once stood along the Atlantic coast. Currently, only 7 percent of the original 1.3 million square kilometers of coastal rainforest remain.

The decree contains financial incentives for the development of eco-friendly businesses that will aid in the restoration and safeguarding of these precious natural resources. Your Excellency, we laud your decision in guiding your nation towards a sustainable and Earth-loving future. May your wise leadership be met with flourishing green success.
Japan agrees funding for protective forest project

Japan donates US$5.6 million to AuLac’s (Vietnam) reforestation programs. The funds will help the Aulacese (Vietnamese) government plant trees on 900 hectares of sand dunes in an effort to reduce the erosion caused by sand storms and provide income to residents in the south central coastal region. The government’s ultimate goal is to reforest the country with 5 million hectares of trees. Heaven bless and many thanks Japan for your kind generosity in contributing to this worthy project. May the loving care given to trees across the land yield abundant life-sustaining forests and many flourishing human lives.