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Arctic melt passes the point of no return

Arctic warming may signal tipping point. Researchers from the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) in Boulder, Colorado have reported that autumn temperatures in the Arctic are now six to 10 times higher than they were in the 1980s.

 This steep increase reflects Arctic amplification, or faster warming in the Arctic that in turn accelerate warming elsewhere. Dr. Julienne Stroeve of NSIDC, who led the study with colleague Dr. Mark Serreze, stated: “In autumn, as the sun sets in the Arctic, most of the heat that was gained in the ocean during summer is released back to the atmosphere, acting to warm the atmosphere. It is this heat-release ...that gives us Arctic amplification.”

The amplification effect is being observed at least a decade earlier than scientists had predicted, meaning that the rate of overall global warming is occurring faster than previously thought.

 In an interview with Supreme Master Television, Dr. Serreze had stated the following: Dr. Mark Serreze Senior Research Scientist, National Snow and Ice Data Center Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) Fellow

 Dr. Serreze: Everything is connected, so if we change the Arctic sea ice cover, we change these patterns of heating, the atmospheric circulation responds to changes in heating. So the argument is, you lose that sea ice cover you start to impact things like patterns of weather, patterns of participation outside of the Arctic. We think of the Arctic sometimes as this faraway place, what happens there doesn’t matter, but we are starting to learn is that it indeed does matter.

VOICE: Dr. Stroeve, Dr. Serreze and colleagues, we appreciate this vital update on the Arctic. Our prayers for the awakening of all humanity to act quickly in preserving our precious planet. Last Christmas, Supreme Master Ching Hai had emphasized to our Association members the critical situation of the melting ice and the urgent action that must take place.

Supreme Master Ching Hai Video Archive: December 25, 2007 - Paris Seminar Supreme Master Ching Hai Video Archive: January 10, 1995 Singapore

We have to save this planet, so that we’ll be able to stay, first. Because if the ice all melt, if all the poles all melt out, and then if the sea is warm, then the gas might be released from the ocean, and we might all be poisone. It’s a lot of gas. If you see the Singapore lecture, I already warned that we have to change the way we live, otherwise it’s too late. It was 10 or 15 years. Or before that, I always talk about how we deforest our planet. Meat eating and all that contributes to a lot of damage to our Earth planet. Scientists say many things.

They are listening now, but I just hope they do it fast. It just takes action. All the governments in the world really take it now seriously. It’s just I’m worried the action might be too slow, that’s all. Because the ice reflecting the sun, so send it back into the space, but the ice is melting so fast now, that there’s not enough reflection and because the sea is already warm, it melts the ice. And because the ice melt, the sea warmer. You see what I mean, the cycle? So that’s why they could not calculate it well. And so it keeps warming faster than they think.

Appeals Court Reinstates Clean Air Interstate Rule

US Federal Court supports clean air legislation. Overturning a July 2008 decision, a United States Appeals Court ruled last week that individual states are required to reduce smog-forming emissions. Environmental groups welcomed the decision while the Environmental Protection Agency forecast that this would save up to US$100 billion in health benefits through the reduction of heart attacks as well as improved work and school attendance. In a related matter, the US Appeals Court has also ruled that industries cannot exceed standard pollution limits when starting, shutting or during the malfunction of equipment. Thank you, US judicial system for these rulings that bring cleaner air and better health for all Americans.

An arduous bicycles tour for environmental awareness

Charitable photographers cycle through Âu Lạc (Vietnam). Phạm Thanh Long, 32, a lawyer, Nguyễn Hoàng Long, 32, a salesman and Vũ Quang Anh, 28, who works in marketing, are undertaking a 2,000 kilometer bicycle tour across Âu Lạc to photograph the nation’s beautiful landscapes as a way to raise awareness about environmental protection. The three men became good friends through their shared love of photography and previous work together on charitable activities. You have our best wishes and support on your eco-journey, dedicated eco-protectors of Âu Lạc. May your efforts touch the hearts of many, planting the seeds of greater kindness and care towards our environment.

Solar-powered traffic lights hit town

Traffic signals go solar in Istanbul. At Turkey’s Atatürk Airport, traffic light systems powered by solar energy debuted last week as part of the nation’s Solar Crossroads Project. This clean energy program employs a type of photovoltaic technology that also stores energy to provide continuous power even at night and cloudy days. Officials are hopeful that the success of the Solar Crossroads Project throughout the city of Istanbul will lead to solar energy powering all traffic lights in Turkey. Kudos, Turkey for this green initiative! May we all engage in such a trend of implementing eco-friendly ways into every aspect of our lives.