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Reef survival depends on farming regulations: WWF

Australian reef loss linked to cattle farming. A report issued by the World Wildlife Fund has found that agricultural pollution is more than 90 percent responsible for the destruction of the Great Barrier Reef. Moreover, 56 percent of that total is due to cattle raising while 40 percent originates from pesticides and fertilizers used for crops. Queensland, Australia, has allocated over US$31 million to swiftly implement new regulations for reducing the pollutants and their toll on the Great Barrier Reef.

Many thanks World Wildlife Fund and kudos, Queensland Government, for your dedication to saving the precious reefs and improving farming practices at the same time. May we all realize the immense benefits to the environment of such practices as adopting an organic plant-based diet. On November 30, East Coast FM, one of the most popular radio stations in Ireland, invited Supreme Master Ching Hai as a guest to share with listeners her thoughts on vegetarianism’s link to personal and environmental health.

The following Supreme Master Ching Hai’s answer regarding the critical role coral reefs play in maintaining our ecological balance.
Supreme Master Ching Hai : The coral reefs are there for some reason. There are many factors that affect coral reefs like coastal development, water pollution, changing sea water temperature because of global warming. So global warming is the greatest threat as it causes coral bleaching when temperature gets too high.

Coral reefs are just like the forests on land. They are the protectors of one hundred-plus countries’ coastlines against storm surges and hurricanes. And they are also the supporters of over 25 percent of all marine species. They are the medical treasure which is used in many medicines like antihistamines, antibiotics, treating for asthma, heart disease even, etc, etc. So you see how important it is. And there are many more things that we have not discovered about the benefits of coral reef and marine life.

Brazil sets plan to cut deforestation by 70% over 10 years

Brazil commits to saving the Amazon. Brazil’s Environment Minister Carlos Minc has announced plans to reduce the rate of deforestation in the Amazon by 70 percent within the next decade. The major cause of the rapid loss of trees is illegal forest clearing for cattle grazing and soy bean production for animal feed. The net effect of Brazil’s initiative will be the reduction of 4.8 billion tons of carbon dioxide that would otherwise be released into the atmosphere from the destruction of forests. Bravo, Minister Minc and Brazil, for prioritizing the preservation of the vital rainforest. We pray your dedication to this noble cause be matched by the efforts of many others so that the verdant trees may once again flourish.

In her responses to panelists during the live videoconference for the SOS! International Seminar on Global Warming in Seoul, Korea in May 2008, Supreme Master Ching Hai clarified the cause of climate change and what must be done to ensure humankind’s survival. 

Supreme Master Ching Hai : The root of our problem is that we have been unkind to our co-inhabitants: the living, feeling, walking, acting, loving beings, like animals, of all size and shapes. And we have also been unkind to our environment.

We have been massacring our co-inhabitant animals, and we have been destroying our environment like deforesting and destroying the water and destroying the air. So in order to solve the problem that we are facing right now, we have to reverse our actions. We have to be kind to our co-inhabitants. Instead of killing them, massacring them, sacrificing them, we have to take care of them. And instead of deforestation, we have to plant trees again.

Take care of whatever environment that we have. And instead of polluting our planet, the air, we have to turn to friendly energy and sustainable energy. Just reverse our action.

Greenhouse gases should be cut 80% by 2050, Climate Committee

Europe prioritizes global warming. In an effort to avoid a two-degree Celsius increase in average global temperatures, the European Parliament’s Temporary Committee on Climate Change is asking that climate change concerns be integrated into all policies and areas. They have recommended an 80 percent reduction in greenhouse gases by 2050, with binding interim goals and incentives to encourage participation.

A European Climate Fund was also suggested. The Committee said, “Climate change is both more rapid and more serious in terms of its adverse effects than was previously thought.” European Parliament, our accolades for your wise recommendations to help prevent the disastrous consequences of global warming. Blessed be the leaders of all countries in acting now to save our extraordinary Earth.

Zimbabwe celebrates 29th National Tree Planting Day

Zimbabwe celebrates tree planting day. On the 29th National Tree Planting Day, Minister of the Environment and Tourism Francis Nhema reported that a total of 140 million trees have been planted across the country since the program was launched in 1980. This year’s theme is "No to deforestation; plant a tree for a better life," through which people are being reminded of the importance of protecting and planting trees which bring immense benefits on numerous levels to the nation and the world, especially in mitigating climate change effects. What a wonderful trend, Zimbabwe! May the willing efforts of Zimbabweans to increase the nation’s precious trees bring comfort and security to many lives.