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Germany calls for meat reduction to save the planet.
The country’s Environmental Agency has issued a statement urging Germans to partake of meat minimally, to help mitigate climate change on the planet. Besides the harmful health effects of livestock raising such as the byproduct nitrous oxide, the Agency said that it is also the most energy intensive form of farming and is also responsible for approximately 15 percent of Germany’s greenhouse gas emissions.

We thank you Environmental Agency and Germany, for this wise advisory. Our prayers that your call will be swiftly acted upon by the German people and that the meat-free lifestyle will soon be endorsed by nations around the world.

In July 2008, Supreme Master Ching Hai explained via videoconference to our Association members in Germany on what needs to be done for more people to understand the connection between meat eating and its harmful effects on the environment.

That’s why I say if the government and the media join hands together and informing people day after day, because information are a lot and people’s brains take some time to ingest it. They rely on the government to inform them everything that is good for them. They rely on the newspaper to give them all the news that is necessary and important to their life. That’s the power of media and the government. I hope they use it for the best cause right now and the noble cause right now, I hope they do use it.

 Solar powered medical clinic will save lives in war torn iraq
Solar energy ensures Iraqi hospital’s operation. In northeastern Baghdad, where power supplies have experienced disruption, a medical clinic has been equipped with solar panels to ensure a reliable source of energy. Baghdad’s location is idyllic for solar power, with the hospital’s solar panels generating 72 hours of power for every 10 hours of sun. This achievement allows the clinic to perform life-saving operations at any time.

What a wonderful example of how sustainable energy can benefit both people and the environment. Let us all hasten our steps in adopting clean technologies and life-sustaining lifestyles.
 Hospitals will take meat off menus in bid to cut carbon

British hospitals propose lower emissions through meat-free menus
In an effort to reduce its own carbon footprint as well as support the government’s ambitious emission reduction goals, the National Health Service (NHS) Sustainability Director Dr. David Pencheon has proposed menu options without meat or dairy. This recommendation follows meat reduction guidelines suggested in a 2007 talk given by UN climate head Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, as well as other European trends toward the animal-free diet.

Bravo, Dr. Pencheon, for your forward-thinking leadership to improve patients’ health and help save the planet. May such a compassionate and enlightened approach be emulated worldwide.

During the Climate Change International Conference in California, USA in July 2008, Supreme Master Ching Hai spoke via videoconference about the costs of the meat diet on human and planetary health.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: According to the University of Pennsylvania, and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Dr. Colin Campbell, all these three agents have told us that, the cost of meat for health alone, to take care of people who are sick because of meat, the cost of it in the United States alone is around US$120 to US$150 billions of dollars per year, just to take care of meat-related disease. That’s how we treat our lives, because we eat meat, we get sick, and then we have to work hard to pay tax, to go to the hospital and get dissected and get poked and get injected.

All this doesn’t even guarantee that our life will be saved due to the way we don’t treat ourselves kindly, due to the way that we are taking poison for food. Meat is poison, scientifically speaking, physically speaking.

All we do is just forsake that piece of meat on our plate and replace it with protein from vegetable kingdom.

 Interview with Supreme Master Ching Hai on Vegan World Radio
 Interview with Supreme Master Ching Hai on Vegan World Radio. Broadcasting throughout Houston, Texas, the 4th largest metropolitan area in the United States, as well as live worldwide on the internet via 90.1 KPFT FM, Vegan World Radio has a mission of “telling the story of the vegan revolution that’s saving animals, the planet and our health.”

On Monday, January 26, the channel’s host Shirley Wilkes-Johnson invited Supreme Master Ching Hai for an interview to speak about the importance of an animal-free lifestyle for the planet.

Vegan World Radio Host (f): I have heard you talk about our planet; why it is so urgent to do something right now?

Supreme Master Ching Hai: I think everyone knows that vegan is the fastest way to reduce the maximum harmful gases, which are the cause of global warming that threatens our world and our survival. It also saves lives, saves billions and billions of tax for meat subsidies and meat-related sickness. Enormous costs for meat-related sickness. Other reasons, we have ethical and spiritual, like we should care for all God’s creations as our own self. Whatever we don’t like to be done to us, we don’t do to others, even animals, because they have feeling. The animals have all sentiments that we humans possess. They have love, they have family, they have friends, they have loyalty. They have all kinds of virtues that sometimes we even forget to exercise. So, we love to live in peace, so we let them live in peace as well. And spiritually speaking, if we practice to elevate ourselves consciously, we can’t keep eating other beings and expect to be a God-like creation. So, meat is a no-no for many reasons.

To listen to or know more about “Vegan World Radio,” please visit

VOICE: We salute Ms. Wilkes-Johnson and Vegan World Radio for your courageous and dedicated efforts to advocate veganism for a more compassionate world.

We sincerely thank Supreme Master Ching Hai for imparting her valuable knowledge and loving concern for the preservation of our Earth. May we all adopt a vegan lifestyle that quickly brings a multitude of benefits to all lives on the planet.