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Water resources imperiled in New Zealand.
Based on a review of the government’s recently proposed National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management, New Zealand author Elizabeth Chambers notes that quality freshwater sources across the nation are becoming scarcer due to unsustainable water management, increasing climate change-related droughts, pollution from the widespread use of fertilizers and, most significantly, the large dairy industry which not only requires immense amounts of fresh water but causes waterway pollution from farm runoff. The New Zealand government is developing a number of regulations to ensure a continuous and reliable supply of safe freshwater across the nation. At the same time it is recognizing that dairy production is a major part of the problem, with one cow requiring between 2000 and 4000 liters of water for every liter of milk, according to British journalist Fred Pearce.

Ms. Chambers, we appreciate this candid report describing the imminent scarcity of fresh water across the nation. May the wise government of New Zealand recommend such practices such as the vegan diet to secure the future abundance of this precious resource.

In an interview with James Bean of Spiritual Awakening Radio in the United States in July 2008, Supreme Master Ching Hai pointed out that rampant water shortages and waterway pollution worldwide are both largely the result of using animal products.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Now concerning water: one serving of beef is 1200 gallons; one serving of chicken, 330 gallons and one complete vegan meal including tofu, rice, vegetables etc. is only 98 gallons. Now everybody was talking a lot about food shortage and water shortage, the main cause is again, livestock raising. That is not including the contamination of most world bodies of water and related usages.

We cannot afford it forever like this. We have to stop the meat consumption. We have to stop the meat, in order to even survive.

 Tunisia: Sunny Perspectives for Renewable Energies
Two decades of green energy investments in Tunisia. Over the past 20 years, support for solar energy has been steadily increasing, with 62,000 square meters of solar panels installed last year, and plans to install 500,000 square meters in 2009. Solar water heaters are also being widely implemented, and wind farms currently generate six percent of the country’s total electricity needs, with plans for a total of 300 Megawatts coming from wind by 2011. These combined efforts have led to a minimizing of overall imports of petroleum.

Bravo, Tunisia on your many advancements toward energy sustainability. We wish the warmhearted Tunisian people abundant green comfort in harmony with Mother Nature.

 Kids warm up to environmental issues
Philippine children become eco-advocates. Third grade students at Pembo Elementary School in Makati City recently learned about climate change through a program sponsored by the World Wide Fund for Nature – Philippines and the Hong Kong and Shanghai (HSBC) Bank. Learning the basics about the human activities that have resulted in global warming along with simple things they can do to help is part of the HSBC Eco-Kids project, designed to assist young students in becoming agents of change themselves. The volunteer HSBC - WWF teams are bringing the Eco-Kids message to schools throughout the Philippines, thus far reaching more than 4,000 students.

A green salute, Hong Kong and Shanghai (HSBC) Bank and World Wide Fund for Nature for your efforts to awaken awareness and eco-determination in Philippine youth. Surely endeavors such as yours will go far in fostering the stewardship needed to restore our Earth.

Dire climate fears for US
Global warming forecasts US health risks and wastelands. A group of the world’s leading scientists addressed United States legislators with an update on climate science. Led by the head of the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change, Dr. Rajendra K. Pachauri, the presentation was the first time the US Congress was presented with information about the imminent dangers to public health due to global warming, including increased respiratory illness and infections due to warming temperatures. Warning of heat waves, reduced rain, melting snowpack and drying rivers, Dr. Christopher Field of the Carnegie Institute for Science stated, “With severe drought from California to Oklahoma, a broad swath of the southwest is basically robbed of having a sustainable lifestyle.”

Dr. Pachauri, Dr. Field and other esteemed scientists, our respectful thanks for your efforts to ensure government action at this urgent and most-needed time. Let us join with all nations to step toward lifestyles that bring a brighter tomorrow for ourselves and our children.