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Climate change lays waste to Spain's glaciers
Pyrenees’ glaciers on the verge of disappearing. With mountains that form a natural border between Spain and France, the Pyrenees’ glacial ice once extended across 3,300 hectares. However, according to the World Glacier Monitoring Service, global warming over the last century has caused a full 90 percent retreat to a mere 390 hectares, with 25 percent of the glacial mass being lost in just the past eight years. World Glacier Monitoring Service Director, Professor Wilfried Haeberli, says that at this rate the ice may completely disappear within one to two decades. The loss would cause severe disturbance and shortages for the foothills and plains south of the Pyrenees, whose ecosystems are dependent on the glaciers for water.

Professor Haeberli, World Glacier Monitoring Service and all other colleagues, we appreciate your detailed and accurate work in revealing this disturbing loss. Let us all quickly turn to more caring and eco-conscious lifestyles to assist in the renewal of our planetary home.

During a videoconference on March 7, 2009 with participants of a weeklong healthy juice fast retreat in California, USA led by the distinguished Rabbi Gabriel Cousens, MD, and Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith, Supreme Master Ching Hai reiterated the need to curb these severe effects of global warming with the power of the animal-free diet. She revealed the good news that the critical mass for people to become animal-free had just been reached.

Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai : Juice Fasting for Peace -March 7, 2009 – California, USA

Supreme Master Ching Hai: You see, we are in a very dangerous situation right now, but I’m glad to tell you we have reached the critical mass. According to my inner knowledge the critical mass has been reached, the critical mass of the numbers of vegetarian people.

It’s just now we’re waiting for the mind of humans to be more pliant, to be more in tune with the critical mass. the critical mass that you say means if a certain numbers of people, like in one-minded group, like being vegetarian, if a certain number is reached, then that number will influence the whole planet in time and make everybody become vegetarian or vegan.

Now, if this critical mass is working, and I suspect it’s working, just a little bit slower than what we want, then maybe we will have the mass of the planet going to have vegetarian diet, compassionate attitude quite soon. I hope it’s in time so that we can save the planet before we reach the point of no return. And so I also beg you, all of you heroes, the saints, the yogis there, please, do something to help. Just pass out information, convince whoever you can, yes. And everybody really does make a difference. I count on you.

Green teen
Kids empowering kids to save the planet. After watching “An Inconvenient Truth,” the global warming documentary by former United States Vice President and Nobel Laureate Al Gore, 14-year-old Alec Loorz of California, USA became motivated to alert his peers about the reality of climate change. Being then 12 years of age, he applied to the organization that coordinates Mr. Gore’s presentations, but was not accepted because he was too young.

Still inspired, Alec made his way to California schools to give speeches to students and founded Kids vs. Global Warming. Over 2,000 young advocates have since joined Alec in this worthy cause, with projects that include raising awareness about rising sea levels, where they go to California beaches and set up poles to show where water levels will be if we do not act quickly to curb climate change. Alec stated: “We are the future, but we’re more than that. We’re here now, so let’s work together to change the world and not just occupy it.”

What a green shining star you are, Alec! We applaud your efforts and cannot wait to see the day when kids and adults the entire world over join to change our world for the better!

Minister of EPA teachs the public to fight warming, including at least one vegetarian meal everyday
Formosa (Taiwan) offers awards in energy saving contest. The Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) of Formosa is offering such prizes as hybrid fuel vehicles to encourage citizens to sign a pledge of "10 No-regret Promises to Reduce Carbon Emissions." In an effort to encourage each individual toward a maximum of one kilogram of carbon emissions each day, the EPA has provided easy tips to lower emissions throughout the day, including conserving water, energy, riding a bicycle, and finally a suggestion to start each day with planning for at least one vegetarian meal during the 24-hour period.

A green thumbs up, Formosa Environmental Protection Administration, for actively encouraging citizens to be part of the global warming solution. We wish your campaign the delight of sustainable success as residents explore such effective solutions as the plant-based diet.

Donors extend support of forestry sector
European nations contribute to Âu Lạc’s (Vietnam) afforestation project. Through the Forest Trust Fund, established in Âu Lạc by international agreement in 2004, the Netherlands, Finland, Sweden, and Switzerland have donated US$35.5 million for further preservation. The Forest Trust Fund seeks to protect and sustainably manage the land’s trees to minimize the detrimental effects of climate change as well as improve quality of life for the people in forested regions.

Our sincere thanks and Heaven Bless the Netherlands, Finland, Sweden and Switzerland for your generosity in restoring Âu Lạc’s forests and promoting sustainable living. Surely such kind gestures will bring renewed hope and life to the people and the land.