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Maldives: water shortage hits 12 islands, one family spending 85% of income on bottled water
12 islands in the Maldives face extreme water shortage. With islanders largely dependent on rainwater to meet their water needs, scarcity caused by recent droughts has brought response from the country’s National Disaster Management Center (NDMC), a government agency established after the devastating 2004 tsunami. Thus far, 763 tons of water has been delivered to eight of the drought-affected islands, with the other four still in need. Deputy Director-general of the NDMC Moosa Ali Kaleyfaan stated that the agency is installing desalination facilities on a boat that can travel from island to island, but that more permanent remedies are needed.

Many thanks, National Disaster Management Center and Maldives for your timely care that is helping safeguard the lives of affected fellow citizens. May we all be reminded to appreciate the precious resource of clear water, one of Mother Earth’s many gifts of life.

Supreme Master Ching Hai has emphasized that the only permanent remedy and certain refuge we all have in the face of global warming is our own virtuous lifestyle. The following comes from a discussion during an international seminar in Europe with our Association members in August 2008.

Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai International Seminar, Europe August 22, 2008

Supreme Master Ching Hai: But nowadays the disasters are more frequent than ever. If it’s not earthquake, then it is storm, typhoon, drought. This is even more permanent disaster than just earthquake, which lasts not long. Anyway, the bad karma has to be paid. If the people turn to noble lifestyle, just even be vegetarian to save the planet, to save the animals, that’s enough to save them also. But they have to listen.

Even if you pray for the earthquake not to happen, something else will happen to those people who have to experience this kind of thing unless they turn their heart around and take refuge in their own loving great power, compassionate nature; that’s their only refuge. On one hand, we feel very sorry for the people; on the other hand, it’s not much help we can do for them. We can pray for world peace, we can pray for the planet as a whole, but people have to change.


Twelve Amazing Shipping Container Houses
From shipping containers to modern eco-homes. Modern shipping containers have always been versatile, carrying every conceivable kind of goods around the world by rail, road and ship. Recently, their use has been extended to housing material as architects and green designers employ shipping containers in creating affordable and attractive modular structures. A website dedicated to environmental topics,, recently featured 12 of these latest housing projects, ranging from a California, USA beach house to Container City, a set of studios in London, UK.

Hats off, creative architects and designers for your imaginative use of recycled materials to create attractive inexpensive homes.

Melting snow forces Italy and Switzerland to redraw borders
Italy and Switzerland redefine borders due to climate change. Glaciers that once covered the shared border of the two countries have now retreated from global warming, resulting in landslides from permafrost melting and other changes to the topology, especially in the last five years. Regions that are affected include the well-known landmark and attraction of the Matterhorn Mountain and surrounding towns. The two countries have thus agreed to meet and determine a new border.

Our thanks, Switzerland and Italy, for your cooperative approach to this issue that alerts us once again to how human-induced climate change is quickly altering our terrains and lives. Let us all be inspired by your amicable example as we strive to reach the compassionate ways needed for our Earth to once again thrive.