relief news update from Mauritania - 29 Dec 2009  
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Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association relief news update from Mauritania.
From August to September, Mauritania and Niger were swept with floods triggered by incessant rainfall. Some 3,000 people were displaced in the Rosso and Nouakchott areas of Mauritania, with one person who lost their life and 500 rendered homeless as houses were destroyed.

Sending her heartfelt sympathy and prayers, Supreme Master Ching Hai donated US$15,000 on September 5, requesting that our Association members please go to comfort and help the afflicted if possible.
The amount could acquire US$509,000 in essential supplies if obtained in the United States, based on the costs of living in Mauritania and Niger. Our Association’s relief team from Benin first went to help the disaster-afflicted in Niger and then went to Mauritania, covering their own travel and related expenses.

Arriving in Rosso on November 9, they were assisted by the Secretary General and Mayor’s Representative in distributing rice, vegetable oil, and sugar to those in need, much to their gratitude.

Relief recipient, Rosso, Mauritania (M): On behalf of everyone here I thank the Supreme Master Ching Hai. Relief recipient representive, Rosso, Mauritania (M): We thank the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association for their laudable contributions to Rosso. Thank you.
Secretary General and Mayor's Representative, Rosso, Mauritania (M): The people are in urgent need and we received this gift at a crucial moment. So we can only appreciate this wonderful gesture of the Supreme Master Ching Hai. Thank you.

VOICE: Our thanks, Rosso Secretary General and Mayor’s Representative, for your kind assistance. We are also grateful to Supreme Master Ching Hai for her heartfelt generosity and care as well as our Association’s relief team for their assistance to the afflicted. With Heaven’s grace, may the people of Mauritania be
swiftly restored to their wholesome, productive lives as such devastating situations are minimized through humanity’s gentler, eco-stabilizing lifestyles.