Relief news update from Myanmar - 4 Feb 2010  
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Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association relief news update from Myanmar, also known as Burma.
When heavy rains triggered landslides in the southernmost Burmese town of Kawthaung, a monastery and several homes were damaged, causing three Buddhist monks to lose their lives while another two suffered injuries and others in the area were affected.

Conveying her sorrow and prayers, Supreme Master Ching Hai immediately donated US$3,000 for repairing the monastery, along with an additional US$2,000 for other urgently needed supplies, as she conveyed her shared sorrow and prayers.

The combined US$5,000 could purchase US$195,000 in materials, if acquired in the United States, based on Myanmar's cost of living. Regarding the personal tolls of the event, Supreme Master Ching Hai also added, “Though the numbers of afflicted are small, each victim still feels the trauma and pain individually just the same
as elsewhere!” Covering their own travel expenses, our Association’s relief team from Thailand traveled by boat to Kawthaung province.

When they arrived at the afflicted Chuayparamee Temple, the abbot informed them that three buildings had been damaged, leaving some monks with no place to live. Locals were thus offering their homes as temporary shelter.

The relief team gave the abbot Master’s donation to fund the reconstruction of a small temple. They also delivered financial aid to an affected nun as well as to a local resident whose home had been damaged.

The relief recipients expressed their gratefulness, thanking Supreme Master Ching Hai for her love and kindness. We are also thankful to Supreme Master Ching Hai for her caring assistance, as well as our Association’s relief team for their diligent efforts. Wishing the Burmese monks and local neighbors a soon resuming of their meaningful day-to-day lives as we strive for gentler eco-stewardship to minimize tragedies as these.