Relief news update from Haiti - 22 Jan 2010  
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Supreme Master Ching Hai nternational Association relief news update from Haiti.
In the aftermath of the earthquake and subsequent aftershocks that have toppled the island nation’s capital and affected 3 million people, there had been much reason for despair.

An initial 200,000 lives were estimated lost, of whom 75,000 have been confirmed dead by the government, and tens of thousands have suffered serious wounds. Untold numbers of children have been orphaned, with families separated indefinitely as some 2 million were rendered homeless in the capital city, with some areas still waiting to be reached by aid.

Edith Salome, HaitianOrphanage Caretaker:We are still having problems finding food, medicine, and diapers for the children. We are a bit tight here because before, we had a big house, but the house collapsed so now we are living in 2 small rooms as refugees.

Thanks to a combined donation of over US$154,000 from Supreme Master Ching Hai and our Association members, an amount that could obtain US$5.6 million in supplies in the United States, based on Haiti's cost of living, our Association’s relief team has been able to help. Upon seeking to enter the country initially,
a lack of security and the already fragile infrastructure ruined in the earthquake made it difficult to access the affected areas.

Thus, an alternative route was found through the Dominican Republic. In cooperation with the Dominican Republic’s Civil Defense team, with whom our Association’s relief teams have partnered in the past, they arrived in Haiti and set up a field clinic in an area of Port-au-Prince where people had not yet received medical care.

Four of the team’s Association members, all specialists in wound treatment, have been seeing injured residents nearly nonstop since then. Our Haitian relief team member, who is also serving as a translator for the doctors and patients, shares this report.

Haitian Correspondent (M): We are in a place called Sona Franca, it’s a place in Port-au-Prince where there’s many people that come to receive help; wounded people, people who have nothing to eat.

The majority of the people that are helping right now, are Haitian, inexperienced future doctors. One of the things we learned in Haiti is that the majority of people were wounded by blocks that fell on them.

There was a lady that blocks fall on her and the blocks took away the sensitivity of one side of her face. Also, the earthquake was not only on Tuesday but there was also one today, there are people that got fresh wounds.
The non-doctors, we were helping taking some wounded people to bring them to our table. Some of us were cleaning the places that were contaminated.
The majority of the people that come, they’re so happy that we can help them. They’re thanking us, they’re very calm. They’re suffering, but they just need help.

VOICE: We send our thanks to the Civil Defense team of the Dominican Republic and all other caring personnel, organizations, and governments who have been working tirelessly to assist the victims.
Our gratefulness also to Supreme Master Ching Hai for her unconditional aid and prayers for the distressed, and to our Association’s relief team for their efforts.

We continue to pray for the well-being of the faithful Haitian people, and for the greater stability of our planet through humanity’s collective harmonious actions.