Relief news update from Mexico - 13 Mar 2010  
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Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association relief news update from Mexico.
The damage left by heavy rains that began over a month and a half ago are still very evident in the country’s central Mexico and Michoacán states. As multiple rivers burst their banks, the forceful currents dangerously disfigured the land.

Victim 1 – Michoacan, Mexico (M): It was a tiny opening. And then later, about two hours later, it became like that. Then later, look.

VOICE: The government evacuated thousands of residents from their damaged and destroyed homes. In one area, some 30 loved ones were lost overnight.

Victim 2 crying (M): I lost my two parents and my three nephews. Now, we have to go on with whatever comes, because it is too painful now to lose human lives. It really hurts a lot.

VOICE: Conveying her deep condolences and prayers, Supreme Master Ching Hai had made a US$15,000 donation and asked our nearest Association’s relief team to render aid.

This amount could purchase US$53,000 in urgently needed supplies in the United States, based on Mexico’s cost of living. After traveling to Chalco, Mexico State, where they provided food, blankets, and medical care for one week, the relief team went to the hard-hit remote areas of Angangueo municipality in the neighboring state
of Michoacán.

Mexican Correspondent – Michoacán, Mexico (M): A family used to live here in this place. We see how the water destroyed the house walls. It took away all the belongings, although some are left.
We see the kids’ toys, and their clothes that they probably left so that they would dry.

VOICE: A local official informed our Association’s relief team that among the many residents who lost their homes, 380 families were still in need of food.
The team thus delivered necessities for all of them, including canned vegan food, oil, beans, rice, corn flour, pasta, and cleaning supplies.

Relief recipient 1 (F): Master, God bless you. Thank you very much.
Relief recipient 2 (F): I want to thank Master for the helping hand she is giving us today, what we most needed.
That there is someone who remembers us… And also we humbly give you thanks!

Children cheering (F): Hip hip hooray! Master! Master! Rah rah rah! la bio, a la bao, a la bim bom ba! la Maestra! la Maestra! Ra ra ra!

Big group of relief recipients: Thank you Master Ching Hai!

Correspondent (M): Reporting from Mexico, in Angangueo, Michoacán for Supreme Master Television.

VOICE: Our appreciation, all regional governments and relief personnel for your help to the flood victims. We also thank Supreme Master Ching Hai for her far-reaching love and aid, as well as our Association’s relief team for their efforts.

May the lives of the gentle Mexican people soon be restored in comfort as we pray that such distressing events are eased through our greater consideration for the environment.