Relief news update from Liberia - 23 Aug 2010  
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Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association relief news update from Liberia.
As incessant rains flooded suburbs throughout the capital city of Monrovia at the end of June, hundreds of families, many with children, lost their homes and all their belongings.

Expressing her heartfelt sympathies and prayers, Supreme Master Ching Hai donated US$7,500, an amount that could obtain US$696,000 in emergency items purchased in the United States, based on Liberia’s cost of living, and asked that our Association members go to bring most urgently needed aid to the victims.

Our Association members from Benin travelled to Monrovia, covering their own travel and related expenses of US$620 as they brought a delivery of seven tons of rice and 2,000 liters of vegetable oil.

The relief team was graciously welcomed by the Mayor of Monrovia, Mary T. Broh, who was deeply touched and sent a letter of thanks to Supreme Master Ching Hai.

Mayor Mary T. Broh, Monrovia, Liberia (F): (reading the letter)

Dear Madam: The City Government of Monrovia presents esteemed compliments and avails itself of the opportunity to express its deepest gratitude to the Supreme Master Ching Hai and the International Association for the relief items of rice and oil donated to flood victims of the City of Monrovia, Liberia.

These items will be distributed to needy citizens of Monrovia who were recent flood victims.
We at the City Hall of Monrovia seize this opportunity to extend appreciation on their behalf. Kindly accept an invitation to visit the City of Monrovia in the near future.
Thanks again for your humanitarian gesture.
Mary Broh, Acting Mayor of the City of Monrovia.
Yep, yep, yep, yep!
All: Yay!

VOICE: Our thanks for Supreme Master Ching Hai’s heartfelt support to the vulnerable and to our Association’s relief team from Benin for their endeavors to help. May the people of Liberia be graced with a smooth recuperation to comfortable daily lives as humanity’s greater kindness helps restore the
balance of the ecosphere.