Relief news update from Formosa (Taiwan) - 21 Aug 2009  
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Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association relief news update from Formosa (Taiwan).
Now two weeks after Typhoon Morakot ravaged Formosa, relief has arrived from all corners of the globe to assist the thousands of flood victims and the bereaved of an estimated 500 who lost their lives. The Formosan (Taiwanese) government has also asked nearly 200 therapists to help thousands of children cope with psychological trauma.

On August 10, Supreme Master Ching Hai donated an amount of US$30,000, making further funds available as needed.

Our Formosan Association’s relief team quickly acted help convey Supreme Master Ching Hai’s condolences and support.

The following is the latest relief report in response to Master’s requests for updates.

August 18, 2009
Most Compassionate Master,

Thank you Master for your concern about this typhoon and flooding, even calling Formosa about the situation.

With Master’s love and blessings, after receiving your message, our Association members immediately transported materials and manpower to the disaster areas.

Tainan and Chiayi teams even prepared thousands of vegetarian meals for the victims without taking a rest for six days and nights.

(In Formosan/Taiwanese)Relief recipient (F): Thank you very much! We really appreciate the lunch boxes from Supreme Master Ching Hai.

VOICE: The local news media and government officials also recognized these efforts.(In Chinese)

ERA News TV reporter (F): Allowing the victims to eat enough to have the strength to rebuild their homes is the kindly volunteers’ direct contribution to them.

Lu Zheng-Yuan –Chief of Social Division of Cishan Township, Hualien, Formosa (Taiwan) (M): I deeply felt Supreme Master Ching Hai’s concern for Formosan (Taiwanese) people.

VOICE: According to researcher Dr. Wang Zhong He of Academia Sinica’s Institute of Earth Sciences, this disaster is directly related to global warming, with the frequency and intensity of Formosan typhoons increasing.

Our love for Master always, Association members from Tainan, Formosa

VOICE: We are grateful for Supreme Master Ching Hai’s permission to share this correspondence with our viewers. We also thank our Association’s Foreign Group for the timely report. Our appreciation, Formosan government, relief workers and the international community for your timely humanitarian response. We join in thanking Supreme Master Ching Hai for her vigilant care, and our Association’s relief team for their service.

May comfort and order quickly return to the gentle people of Formosa as our kinder treatment of the environment restores peace to the biosphere.