Relief news update from Formosa (Taiwan) - 12 Oct 2009  
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Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association relief news update from Formosa (Taiwan).
As tropical storm Parma veered off the southwestern coast of Formosa (Taiwan) on Oct 5, the island that is still reeling from Typhoon Morakot was once again drenched by heavy precipitation.

An overflowed river took one life, and almost 7,000 people in several counties had to evacuate their homes as officials issued landslide and flash flood warnings.

On October 6, with a heavy heart and her sorrowful prayers, Supreme Master Ching Hai requested that our native Association members check if there were any special needs and go to help and comfort those forgotten persons and animals. She also said that necessary funds would be available accordingly.

In accordance with Supreme Master Ching Hai’s request for updates, the following is our Association members’ report via Foreign Group.

Oct. 9, 2009
Most merciful Master,
Re: Typhoons in Formosa Yilan County:
Four towns were affected by the heavy rainfall. We have contacted these town halls, who said there was no serious damage nor the urgent need for relief work.

They will inform us if there is any.
We are currently contacting the animal shelters to see if our animal friends need anything.

Pingtung County: Due to the extensive damage caused by recent Typhoon Morakot, the government was well prepared and necessary evacuations had been carried out, so there was no serious situation at this time.
The rest of our Association’s centers in Formosa also reported no damage. 

We are so grateful for Master’s  loving care and for kindly providing us  financial aid for relief work. For the time being, there is no urgent need to use these funds.
We shall observe the situation closely and give support if any need arises.
With all our heartfelt appreciation and love, Association members in Formosa

Supreme Master Ching Hai responded with the following message:
Thanks Heaven for this good news.
The main point is humans are safe and well cared for. Heaven bless Formosa and her kind government.

VOICE: We are thankful to Supreme Master Ching Hai for allowing us to share these updates with our global viewers, and to our Association’s Foreign Group for providing this report.
Our appreciation, government officials, for your timely safety measures. We are also grateful for the heartfelt care of Supreme Master Ching Hai, and for the diligent response of our Association members.

We pray that the world may soon be fully protected from such disasters as we turn to gentler, higher standards.