Nearly 900 species extinct in the past 500 years - 10 July 2009  
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Nearly 900 species extinct in the past 500 years.
According to the latest analysis of data by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), 869 known plant and animal species have disappeared completely over the past 500 years, with nearly 17,000 known species currently threatened with extinction.

Approximatelyone-third of amphibians, one in eight birds, and a quarter of all mammals may soon vanish from the Earth. Report editor and deputy head of IUCN’s Species Program Jean-Christophe Vié, said, “It's time to recognize that nature is the largest company on Earth working for the benefit of 100 percent of humankind – and it's doing it for free.

Governments should put as much effort, if not more, into saving nature as they do into saving economic and financial sectors."

We join in admiration and support of your thoughtful statement, Deputy Head Vié and International Union for Conservation of Nature. Our deep thankfulness for your ongoing work to raise awareness of the fragile state of our biosphere. May all leaders quickly act in preserving the cherished plants and animals who fill our world with color and joy.

In expressing her concern once more for the dilemma faced by humanity, Supreme Master Ching Hai spoke during the July 2008 Heart-Touch Tour videoconference in Formosa (Taiwan), highlighting the need for caring stewardship of the planet.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Up to now, we have lost so many, not just marine life, but land species. They disappear faster than we can imagine. They suffer a lot, they die, or they completely disappear because of our careless management of the world.

And we just feel like it doesn’t concern us or that we are not responsible for their plight, for the death and disappearance of our precious co-inhabitants.

But the fact is that we are responsible. We have to stop the harmful effect of meat consumption, then we will see a happy, sufficient and satisfied world manifest in front of our eyes in a matter of weeks.


Irish Sunday Independent interviews Supreme Master Ching Hai.
This Sunday, July 12, the Sunday weekly edition of the Irish Independent newspaper will feature Supreme Master Ching Hai’s insights on the dilemma of humanity’s survival as we face the effects of global warming. In responding to these questions, Supreme Master Ching Hai addresses the vegan diet as the only way we can truly halt this damaging trend.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: We need the solution, which is organic life-saving vegan diet, then our future is transformed. Life will quickly become better than what you could even imagine.

Greener, lush, tranquil, contentment, happiness, healthy, and more intelligent, more incredible inventions will come out of it, that’s the outcome. With no more killing, humans and animals alike will flourish in peace, and the world will be restored to beauty and happiness.

VOICE: This article in the Irish Sunday Independent, the country's most widely read weekly newspaper, will be available this coming Sunday, July 12, 2009, in all SHOPS, NEWSPAPER STANDS AND AIRPORTS NATIONWIDE IN IRELAND AND THROUGHOUT THE UNITED KINDGOM, as well as through
the airlines Aerlingus and Ryanair.

We send our thanks to Irish Sunday Independent and journalist Ben Murnane for your help in bringing awareness about this urgent situation of our time.

Our thankfulness also to Supreme Master Ching Hai for her continued care and shared wisdom.
We wish the many Sunday Independent readers inspiration toward lifestyles that sustain both themselves and our life-giving Earth.

Please tune in for the broadcast of this interview at a later date on Supreme Master Television’s Words of Wisdom with multi-language subtitles.

G8 leaders commit to emission reductions.
In the first day of their meeting in L’Aqila, Italy on Wednesday, dignitaries from Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia and the US agreed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent by 2050, and to keep the global rise in temperatures to 2 degrees Celsius.

The leaders also committed to renewed efforts to assist developing nations, especially those in Africa, in achieving Millennium Development Goals to benefit health and quality of life.

José Manuel Barroso – President of the European Commission: I expect real progress in this G8 in namely 2 areas, fight against climate change, and food security.

On climate change, accepting the 2°C as the basic reference, given by science. Accepting also that we should have at least 80% reduction by 2050 for developed countries.

We commend Your Excellencies for your initial pledges to better both the environment and the disadvantaged in our world. Wishing you continued progress in setting and achieving goals that ensure the stability of our shared planetary home.

Australian town bans bottled water.
As the first urban region in the country and perhaps the world, Bundanoon, New South Wales has voted to ban commercially bottled water. The near-unanimous approval was cheered at a town meeting on Wednesday evening, which followed a state ruling made only hours before to ban all government-related purchases of bottled water, saying that doing so wasted both money and resources.

The Bundanoon ruling is intended to reduce the carbon footprints associated with water bottling and transport, with residents saying they have no need for liquid that is encased in plastic as they can find equally good water in their taps.

A big bravo, progressive residents of Bundanoon! We applaud your Earth-considerate endeavors and can’t wait to see many more municipalities and nations join in doing the same.,27574,25754710-421,00.html

Extra News

Speaking in the UK, former US vice president and Nobel laureate Al Gore urged world leaders to realize the tremendous value of carbon stored in soil and to thus halt such devastating and emission-intensive land practices as peat-land burning and forest clearing.

According to Australia’s Department of Environment and Conservation, drought in the past year alone has taken the lives of over 600,000 grey kangaroos in Western Australia.

South Korea announces plans to raise over US$1.5 billion through bonds, funds and savings, which will be used to assist green industries that include sustainable energy sources andeco-friendly transportation.