Concerns mount over Arctic ice - 10 Feb 2010  
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Concerns mount over Arctic ice.
New satellite data by the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has shown that the melt season for Arctic sea ice is now 20 days longer than three decades ago, extending further into both April and September.

Dr. Thorsten Markus of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center highlighted the importance of these earlier melt onset and later freeze dates, due to their immense effect on ecosystems.

The reduced ice cover also means a larger open water area to absorb more heat from the sun, creating even more warming in a cycle that could have a profound effect on global climate.

Moreover, recent first-hand observations by Dr. David Barber of Canada’s University of Manitoba indicate that the situation is even more dire than could be perceived by satellite.

Dr. Barber stated, “Unfortunately, what we found was that the multi-year (ice) has all but disappeared. What's left is this remnant, rotten ice.” Drs. Markus and Barber as well as all participating National Aeronautics and Space Administration and University of Manitoba scientists, we are grateful for your factual observations despite their alarming implications.

Let us all heed the message conveyed by the vanishing Arctic and act quickly to protect the planet for ourselves and our children. With deep concern, Supreme Master Ching Hai has often spoken of the polar ice melt phenomenon, along with a way to halt it, as in an October 2009 videoconference in Germany.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: With melting that has caused the biggest ice loss ever known in the Arctic, scientists now tell us that the region is warming at the rate twice as fast as the rest of the world.

Many researchers are saying that at the rate of current warming, there is almost no way for our world to stay within the limits of a 2 degree Celsius temperature rise, which is the maximum that will still ensure the safety of most life on the planet. But even though our predicament is very grave, we do still have time if we act now. And the solution is still very simple.

It’s the vegan diet – no animal products. This is the key. If everyone switches to this beneficial lifestyle, our planet will be cooled in no time, scientifically speaking and my promise.

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