Twice as many record high temperatures as lows in the US - 23 Dec 2009  
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Twice as many record high temperatures as lows in the US.
According to the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Colorado, USA global warming has triggered unusually mild winters and intense summer heat waves over the past decade.
Research led by NCAR senior scientist Dr. Gerald Meehl surveyed thousands of weather stations across the nation to compare temperatures on a given day to that of the same date throughout the nation’s history.

From the start of 2000 to September 30, 2009, over 290,000 record highs have been set in the US, more than twice the number of record lows in the same time period. As data from the previous 60 years show that record highs and lows have previously been about even, this difference confirms that temperatures are on the rise.
The study also showed that if current trends of increasing greenhouse gas emissions continue, there will be 20 times more record high temperatures than lows by 2050, and 50 times more by 2100.

Dr. Meehl and fellow National Center for Atmospheric Research researchers, our gratitude for your work in revealing this clear but alarming trend. Let us quickly heed such urgent signs and turn to lifestyles that restore the balance of our ecosphere. In an August 2009 videoconference in Thailand, Supreme Master Ching Hai spoke once again with concern about the planet’s perilous state and reminded of the fastest way to stabilize our environment.

Supreme Master Ching Hai : Everything is heating up so quickly, as we can see from the scientists’ reports on such alarming upheaval, such as rising sea levels and glaciers melting.

We must work quickly to avoid such unwanted outcomes. And the most effective way, as I have mentioned, is the organic vegan diet, organic vegetable farming. This is also the fastest way to reverse the increased
warming climate to prevent further damage and disaster.

The more people who understand and change, the more chance our world will be saved in time.

Amphibian extinction accelerated by human consumption.
Amphibians are in rapid decline, with more than one-third of nearly 6,000 species now in jeopardy. Disease is among the primary threats, with one parasitic fungus called chytrid being linked to 94 out of 159 cases of extinction or endangered status.

Scientists at the US-based Smithsonian Institution report that such diseases are being further spread through the international sale and transport of frog legs for human consumption.

Smithsonian biologist Brian Gratwicke stated, “Any trade in live frogs or fresh, un-skinned frog legs presents a substantial risk of the spread of amphibian chytrid.” Although there are no official figures for this unregulated market, researchers estimate that active trade both within Asia and to Europe and the US results in
1 billion frogs being killed to be eaten by humans each year.

We thank Dr. Gratwicke and associates at the Smithsonian Institute for your concerned observations. May we humans show our care for the unique frog and other co-inhabitants by appreciating them in the harmony and beauty of their natural habitats.

Extra News
Satellite imagery from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reveals “hot spots” in Australia’s Great Barrier Reef that  foretell imminent severe bleaching in the world’s first ecosystem most likely to perish from human-induced climate change.,23739,26502784-3102,00.html

With scientists forecasting increases in the occurrence of mosquito-borne dengue fever due to global warming, the Ministry of Health in Âu Lạc (Vietnam) reports 74,000 more cases in 2009 compared to 2008, with 17,000 people afflicted and 14 fatalities in one month alone.

Concerned for their extinction, the European Union bans the fishing of the porbeagle and spurdog shark species.

Germany’s Spiegel news reports on national climate change effects that include a growing number and range of pathogen-bearing ticks along with rising sea levels and the stranding of inland ships due to increasingly dried up water bodies.,1518,667608,00.html

A paper by the UK-based Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals reports that many scientific journals have no editorial policy for reporting on how animals are used in the scientific research they publish.