Ancient plant extinctions came from global warming - 31 Oct 2009  
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Ancient plant extinctions came from global warming.
A report published in the journal “Science” details findings that biodiversity losses in Greenland 200 million years ago occurred without warning after long periods of steady decline.

This collaborative international research from University College Dublin in Ireland, United Kingdom; The Smithsonian Institute in Washington DC, USA, and the UK’s Oxford University demonstrates that we must take our own atmospheric warming changes seriously before history repeats itself and small increases
in greenhouse gases lead to massive and sudden collapses in biodiversity.

Lead researcher Dr. Jenny McElwain from University College Dublin, cautioned: “Clearly, our study on ancient ecosystems shows that we must take heed of the early warning signs of deterioration within modern ecosystems, as we have seen from the past that very high levels of species extinctions – as high as 80% - can take place very suddenly.”

Many thanks, Dr. McElwain and international team for your careful investigation of our planet’s climate history. May such insightful findings be the catalyst for our actions toward planetary sustainability.

Supreme Master Ching Hai has often warned of the effects of human activities on global warming, as in the following October 2008 videoconference in Thailand, where she also spoke of solutions.

Supreme Master Ching Hai :Nature can help to absorb some of the carbon dioxide but we overload nature, so we have problem right now and we continue to have problem if we are not doing anything to prevent further destruction of the planet.

There are already some advanced science to capture CO2 and mix it with sea water to create cement. That will reduce CO2 used by other cement-producing methods as well and also reduce new CO2 from polluting the air.

It’s in the making still and I hope it will be beneficial and on time so that we have enough time to prevent the global warming. But still, any new technology takes so long to develop and to be in the market.

The best solution, the quickest, the most benevolent that can change everything from black to white immediately is the vegan diet because compassion begets compassion.


Japanese car wins World Solar Challenge.
On Wednesday, October 28, the solar-powered Tokai Challenger of Japan won the biennial World Solar Challenge. This four-day event, which promotes environmentally conscious solar technology, takes the vehicles on a race through the desert outback of Adelaide, South Australia. The Japanese car, run by a team from Tokai University, averaged speeds of over 100 kilometers per hour and finished in 29 hours and 49 minutes, more than two hours ahead of all the other sun-powered vehicles.

Congratulations, Tokai team, on your eco-friendly win! May your brilliant inventions continue to flourish as the world joins the fast track of increased stewardship of our precious planet.


Extra News
In the second such event in 18 months, thousands of dead tilapia, sardines and other fish have been found suffocated because of lack of oxygen in the waters of San Jose Lagoon near Puerto Rico’s capital city of San Juan.

An extensive article in the online news magazine Politics Daily by editor Mary Winter describes how meat consumption is destroying the environment, our health and morality, adding that it is an especially dangerous habit in the face of global warming.

Saying that damage to Mexico’s economy and the environment is already a reality, World Bank analyst Claudio Alatorre states that without mitigating action, the country is sure to undergo increased drought, heat waves, storms and flooding along with precious biodiversity loss.

US President Barack Obama announces US$3.4 billion plan to modernize the nation’s energy grids to encourage development of sustainable energy sources.