Call to prayer for Earth’s survival - 7 Oct 2009  
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Call to prayer for Earth’s survival.
Drastic climate change such as what we are experiencing now is not unique to Earth’s history or other planets as well. As astronomers have found, Earth’s neighbors Mars and Venus may also have suffered global warming catastrophes.

When asked if our own planet might experience a similar fate, at the October 3 climate change meeting in Hong Kong, honored video conference guest Supreme Master Ching Hai replied as follows.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: I pray day and night, to our almighty Father, to the Buddhas in all directions, to all the Divine beings, to please help us to awaken all the people on the planet in time to realize the danger that we’re in.

To realize that we are truly running out of time, we must wake up soon; we must make a small small changes. I am hopeful, I’m having a positive feeling that it won’t happen to us, but we all must work, we cannot sit there and wait for a miracle to happen.

God needs us to represent him in compassion, in merciful heart, in the way we live a Godly life, befitting God‘s children.

If we all become vegan and live a virtuous, compassionate life, it won’t happen. Our planet will not follow this fate of Mars and Venus and instead, will be saved and thriving in every corner.

Wu Enboa – Vice President of Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (M):I very much agree with the idea of saving the planet by being vegan. This is a very good method.

It’s something that all citizens, all of humankind can join in together.
“Be Veg, Go Green, Save the Planet.”
I think it’s very good!

Conference participant (F):I know the Supreme Master has been doing a lot with deep compassion to protect the environment and to save the planet. She also spends a lot of energy and takes real action to call on everyone to save the Earth together.

Bobsy Gaia – Founder of Save the Human! Campaign (M):I would like to thank Master Ching Hai and everyone involved to bring this conference to Hong Kong, such a successful and beautiful conference. And hopefully it has inspired many people here today to be the change we need to see in the world.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Please pray with us and help us to spread the urgent message, to be vegan so that lives will be spared, and the precious Earth will regain her balance, and our Godlike nature will be preserved forever and pleasing to Heaven.

VOICE: With thanks to all speakers and guests of this motivating conference, we are especially thankful to Supreme Master Ching Hai whose trusted insights and encouragement are needed at this time.

May our shared prayers and faith in the power of compassion bring about a saved world. Please tune in to Supreme Master Television’s Words of Wisdom for the full rebroadcast of this live event at a later date, with multi-language subtitles.

Scientists warn we are crossing planetary boundaries.
A team of 28 leading scientists, including esteemed US climatologist Dr. James Hansen of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and Nobel Prize winning Dr. Paul Crutzen of Germany's Max Planck Institute, state that humans face catastrophe if we cross defined boundaries for nine Earthly systems.

The scientists warn that humans have already trespassed three of these, namely the rate at which species are being lost, the unsustainable threshold of greenhouse gas emissions and the disruption of global nitrogen cycles through overuse of chemical fertilizers and pesticides that are polluting rivers nd causing oceanic dead zones.

Other boundaries that should not be exceeded for planetary well-being include the percentage of freshwater use and the amount of the Earth’s surface cleared for human use as well as amounts of ocean acidification.

The scientists say that overstepping in these areas could lead to abrupt environmental change with potentially disastrous consequences such as runaway global warming.

Drs. Hansen, Crutzen and other international researchers associatese, we are grateful for this reminder, despite its dire implications.

Let us heed your cautions by acting now to respect all beings and the boundaries of our irreplaceable planet.
In her tireless work to help humanity transcend this global crisis, Supreme Master Ching Hai once more highlighted the best way to safeguard ourselves and the planet during an interview with the Irish Sunday Independent published in July 2009.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: The truth is that, scientifically speaking, we have a short time left because we have already waited too long to act. Leading scientists and organizations are now saying this as well, especially as they find that the tipping points, which indicate irreversible damage to the Earth, are being reached much faster than anyone had previously thought and calculated.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: It is better we concentrate on the solution to save the Earth. We can still do it. If everyone becomes part of the solution, which is the organic life-saving vegan diet, it's so simple really, it's so simple.


Thailand gathering calls for “Climate Justice Now.”
That was the slogan proclaimed by the crowd that assembled peacefully outside the two-week United Nations’ climate conference in Bangkok. The approximately 2,000 people, primarily farmers and indigenous peoples from Thailand, the Philippines, Malaysia and Nepal, came together to deliver a message about protecting
Mother Earth and to seek more ambitious emission reductions along with funding for green economies and global warming adaptation.

Climate Justice Now participants, our accolades for your commitment to a more sustainable world. We, too, pray for fruitful meetings with an outcome of planet-cooling measures to benefit all.

Extra News
Organized by the European Commission and MTV Networks International, American music group Backstreet Boys will perform on December 7 for the third and final "Play to Stop – Europe for Climate" concert in Copenhagen, joining musicians Moby and The Editors of the first and second concerts.

US plant physiologist Gregory M. Glenn and co-inventor Simon K. Hodson are working to replace petroleum-based styrofoam packaging for products like computer monitors
by developing eco-friendly versions from plant-based materials such as potatoes, wheat and corn.

A report titled “National Parks In Peril,” released by the US-based Rocky Mountain Climate Organization and Natural Resources Defense Council, warns that all 391 parks
across the nation are threatened by climate change effects such as loss of ice, higher sea levels, coastal storms and intolerable heat, among others.