Water shortages loom around the globe - 30 Aug 2009  
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Water shortages loom around the globe.
Data from sources worldwide highlight ever-growing concerns about water supplies. US-based journalist association Circle of Blue surveyed people in 15 different countries and found that water pollution and shortages were the public’s biggest environmental concerns.

In Wyoming, United States, two glaciers of the Teton Mountains have lost over 20 percent of their surface area,
affecting water supplies in three states.

In Europe, a report from the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) found that only half of Germany’s total water footprint
comes from within the country, illustrating the dependency of industrialized nations on other countries for water sourced in imported goods.

And in Asia, the UN Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) along with the International Water Management Institute in Sri Lanka are calling for irrigation reform to help supply food and water for an additional 1.5 billion people by 2050.

Our thanks, Circle of Blue, World Wildlife Fund, UN Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), International Water Management Institute and all others for sharing this vital information.

Let us unite to implement lifestyles of sustainable consideration that bring about water security for all.
During a March 2009 Juice Fast For Peace videoconference in California, USA, Supreme Master Ching Hai reminded that the quickest way to return to plentiful water stores is to halt livestock raising.

Supreme Master Ching Hai : At a time when we have water shortage and all the reservoirs are dwindling at such an alarming rate, we are truly afraid that even if we don’t take shower at all, it will not do much help because all the human uses and everything comes together is only 30% of water around the world.

Everything else is mostly used for meat industry, 70% of it. Meat industry should be cut. That will help the planet. That will help to reserve our water, to refill our lakes and our rivers again.


Kenya to plant billions of trees.
Coinciding with the hosting of the 24th Climate Outlook Forum for the Greater Horn of Africa, in which climate-related issues such as serious drought and drying rivers were acknowledged, Kenya’s government has announced a vast tree-planting endeavor.

Seeking to replenish felled tree areas with a 10 percent forest cover nationwide, the plan is to plant 7.6 billion trees over the next 20 years.

Environment Minister John Michuki stated that in total, 4.1 million hectares of land would be re-forested. Our accolades Minister Michuki and Kenya for your dedication to returning your nation to a lush forested land. Blessed be such efforts in showing respect for all life on our planet.

Extra News
A new housing development in the United Kingdom’s Cardiff Bay has a specially designed wall containing integrated bird and bat nesting boxes to encourage their settlement in the area and limit the impact on local wildlife.

Australian environmental groups are calling upon government leaders to take stronger action against climate change to prevent a recurrence of the February 2009 fires, which were the deadliest on record with over 100 fatalities.

US scientists state that marine life and birds are perishing from trash ingested when they encounter the immense Pacific Ocean region known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a watery vortex of human-produced plastic trash that is the size of the US state of Texas.

Eighteen-year-old Ceren Burak Dag of Turkey is awarded the 2009 Junior Stockholm Water Prize for devising a method of generating energy through the piezoelectric pulses emitted from falling rain.  