Record droughts lead to uncontrolled wildfires in Nepal - 2 May 2009  
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Record droughts lead to uncontrolled wildfires in Nepal.
Widespread blazes flaring recently in Nepal’s famed Himalayan national parks have been observed by US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) satellites to be the largest and most threatening in all of South Asia. At least 25 people have succumbed while attempting to control the fires. Although such blazes occur annually before the monsoon season, this year’s winter months were so dry that the vegetation and soil extremely lacked moisture, paving the way for more widespread fires. World Wildlife Fund Director in Nepal Ghanashyam Gurung stated, “The dryness has been so severe that pine trees in the Himalayan region are thoroughly dry even on the top, which means even a spark is enough to set them on fire.”

We are saddened to hear of this tragedy and loss of lives in Nepal. May all of us act earnestly now to mitigate climate change and protect precious life on our planet.

For many years, Supreme Master Ching Hai has cautioned about natural disasters and their relation to human activities that disrupt the climate’s balance. During a lecture given in Singapore in 1994, Supreme Master Ching Hai explained what we can learn from the global warming phenomenon.

Excerpt from Supreme Master Ching Hai’s lecture
September 26, 1994

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Recently, our world has a lot of disasters, like drought; is that not so? And then dry climate and heated-up planet due to a lot of weather changing, because we have abused so many of the natural resources, as well as some of the disasters from nature, like burning forests, and then that reduces a lot the rain.

And that in turn also heats up our planet. And then the more it heat up, the more dry. The more dry, the less trees. The less trees, the less rain. The less rain, the less trees, and this is the devil circle. From these kinds of natural lessons, we can tell that one person or one place of this planet will affect another part of our planet. Therefore, if you yourself; your heart, your mind, your speech, your action are pure, how much beneficial can it be to this planet? This is very logical.