Maldives to phase-out Earth-harming chemicals - 22 Feb 2010  
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With a complete ban of toxic substances that harm the ozone layer scheduled for the year 2020, the island nation will be halting its use of hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) 20 years early according to the international Montreal Protocol.

The country has already pledged to be carbon neutral by this same date. Minister of Housing, Transport and Environment Mohamed Aslam said, “Small island states can also be at the frontline in the battle to save the planet.

Our decision to phase out HCFCs and our declaration to go carbon neutral by 2020 will demonstrate to the world our determination to save the planet for humanity.”

A big bravo, Your Excellency and Maldives government for your commitment to being part of the solution to climate change. Blessed be such noble leadership as yours in restoring balance to our ecosphere.