systems that were financed and installed by the US-based Solar Electric
Light Fund, Stanford University scientists from California, USA worked
with local women’s agricultural groups in rural Benin to compare the
effectiveness of the sun-powered drip irrigation systems to previous
growing methods that relied on scarce water sources such as rain.
discovered that these systems fostered the growth of an average of 1.9
metric tons of produce per month, including fresh tomatoes, okra,
peppers, eggplants, carrots and other greens. Besides being able to
supply their families abundantly year-round, the women villagers were
also able to earn extra income from sales.
Many thanks, Solar
Electric Light Fund and Stanford University researchers for bringing
both the materials and the expanded understanding of how these
sustainable methods improve lives.
May many such sub-Saharan African communities be similarly bestowed for the eco-balance and wholesome sustenance of all.