English Thin Pancakes (Part 1~2)    Часть 2
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Часть 1 Play with windows media Скачать
( 126 MB )
Часть 2 Play with windows media Скачать
( 284 MB )
½ cup plain vegan yogurt
1 cup all purpose flour or whole wheat flour
2/3 cup water
2 tsp ground, white or black sesame seeds (optional)
a pinch of salt
oil (optional)
vegan butter
white or brown sugar
cut into wedges for squeezing

  1. Pour the vegan milk in a bowl and squeeze s few drops of lemon juice in it. This will become sour milk (yogurt) or just use ready to use plain vegan yogurt.
  2. Add in one third of whole wheat flour and about half a teaspoon of salt into the yogurt and mix it well.
  3. Add also two spoons of sesame powder into it (optional).
  4. Add in a little bit of water. Mix well,
  5. Add more water (milk) or flour until the batter reaches the right consistency, like a thick porridge.
  6. Heat the pan. Add in a little oil. Without oil is okay too.
  7. After the pan heats up, pour in the mixture. Make it a thin layer and smooth.
  8. After a little while of cooking, watch the sides as the batter start to turn a little brown. Then flip it over to the other side. When both sides are golden brown, place the pancake on a plate.
  9. Squeeze some lemon juice on top of the pancake and sprinkle some sugar on it.
  10. For other taste, can use jam, hams, butter, or tofu paste.
  11. Ready to be served.

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