Прекратим жестокость к животным Сезон страданий: нерассказанные истории животных на вашей тарелке   
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The images in the following program are highly sensitive and may be as disturbing to viewers as they were to us. However, we have to show the truth about cruelty to animals, praying that you will help to stop it.

HOST: Involved viewers, this is the Stop Animal Cruelty series on Supreme Master Television. When you think of a festive season, what images comes to mind? Perhaps you reminisce about past gatherings and happy times with friends, family, and loved ones. Every year on the 25th of December, people from across the globe celebrate the birth of the beloved Master Jesus Christ.

He is truly the embodiment of light, hope and benevolence. The joyous times may include a special holiday meal… but have you ever thought about where some of the dishes being served actually came from? The answer may shock you. For billions of beings across the world, Christmas and the rest of the year are filled with pain, suffering, fear and sadness.

Surely everyone agrees that Jesus Christ would have never wanted the innocent and meek to be subjected to cruel treatment like this, let alone on the celebration of his birthday.

Paisley the Pig : I was born in this place; it's quite dark in here. I don't know where my family is, they have all been taken away. We get beaten very often; even though we didn't do anything wrong. The other day a man pointed to me and said that I would be a Christmas roast this year... I am not sure what he meant, but I hope it means that my life will become better.

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