Дающий голос животным: телепат, общающийся с животными, Декстер Дель Монте   
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Dexter(f):All life can communicate and it doesn't matter in what form they are. Sometimes, when I'm hiking I'll stop under a tree, and just ask a question and receive an answer. All of nature, the Earth, everything has consciousness.

HOST: Halo, thoughtful viewers, and welcome to Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants. On today's program we'll meet Dexter Del Monte, a highly talented professional telepathic animal communicator from Los Angeles, California, USA. An artist, teacher and long-time practitioner of meditation, Ms. Del Monte has taught thousands of school children in her city how to care for and communicate with animals as well as introduced them to art, yoga and meditation.

Adhering to the principle of ahimsa or non-violence, she lives a vegan lifestyle and avoids all animal products. How do we know when an animal is communicating with us telepathically? Dexter Del Monte says we can receive their messages in a number of ways.

Dexter(f): Some communicators are more visual. Some hear more. Some feel more. I was an artist for about 30 years, so I'm a visual person. So I receive images visually, but also I feel a lot.

And usually I'll validate with my feeling, I'll ask an animal a question and then I'll hear the answer. But to validate it, I feel it. If it's a 『yes,』 I'll feel an exhilaration, and if it's a 『no,』 it's kind of like a heavy feeling. And that's my method.

For more details on Dexter Del Monte,
please visit www.WhispersAndTails.com

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