Наука и духовность Доктор Фред Алан Вольф и квантовая духовность – ч 1 из 3   
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Часть 3 Play with windows media Скачать
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Welcome, beloved viewers, to Science and Spirituality on Supreme Master Television. Today's program is part one of a three-part series featuring an interview with a popular quantum physicist, author and lecturer from the United States, Dr. Fred Alan Wolf.

Dr. Wolf earned a Ph.D. in theoretical physics from the University of California - Los Angeles, USA in 1963. He has lectured across the world, conducted extensive research in his field, written many award-winning books such as 『Taking the Quantum Leap』 and 『The Spiritual Universe,』 and served as the resident physicist on the Discovery Channel program 『The Know Zone.』 Dr. Wolf has appeared in popular films such as 『What The Bleep Do We Know』 and 『The Secret.』

He is known for explaining the complex laws of quantum physics in an engaging way so that non-scientists can better understand them and see how they relate to spiritual principles. His fascinating work has sparked the interest of many to deeply inquire into the very nature of existence and the mind. Let us now meet the esteemed Dr. Wolf.

For more details on Dr. Fred A. Wolf, please visit www.FredAlanWolf.com
Books, CDs, and DVDs by Dr. Wolf are available at the same website

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