Вегги-будущее Финляндии: дискуссия с исследователем доктором Маркусом Виннари (финский)   
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『I am a vegetarian. I believe that the rest of society should be too, because I have not heard any sensible explanations as to why this should not be the case.』
Markus Vinnari, PhD Finnish research scientist, vegetarian Excerpt from 『The Past, Present and Future of Eating Meat in Finland』

Welcome, intelligent viewers, to our program today. As the tragic effects of climate change continue to threaten the existence of the billions of lives on planet Earth, scientists from all disciplines have made tremendous contributions to propagate the urgent message to halt global warming.

Dr. Markus Vinnari(m): When it will happen, nobody knows, but eventually the human race will either demolish itself - we will not be living on this planet anymore - or then there is the possibility that we become vegetarians, we change our perspective of the nature and other animals, and we will survive.

Dr. Markus Vinnari(m): The whole point of my thesis was that this is possible.

With meat consumption identified as being the leading cause of climate change and a host of other environmental and health problems, concerned experts have joined the mission to outline institutional foundations needed at the societal level to maintain a sustainable planetary home.

One of the pioneer researchers in this respect is the Finnish economic sociologist Dr. Markus Vinnari, a researcher at the Turku School of Economics' Finland Futures Research Centre, housed in the University of Turku in Tampere, Finland.

In March 2010, Dr. Vinnari presented a doctoral dissertation entitled, 『The Past, Present and Future of Eating Meat in Finland.』 This is the first doctorate level research that provides social and economic analysis pointing towards a vegetarian and vegan human society in the next 50 years.

Dr. Markus Vinnari(m): I have been interested in vegetarianism for quite a long time. One of the reasons why I continued to go to education in the Technical University in Tampere, was that I was interested in the environmental impacts that meat eating has.

And I went there in order to find out how much pollution actually meat eating produces. And over there the evidence is quite strong. And if you look at the philosophical points, those are the philosophers have been doing their work for quite a long time and that's the strongest base. And then when you look at the arguments that why you should eat meat those are actually quite weak; you can't make any sense out of those.

Dr. Markus Vinnari's work, 『The Past, Present and Future of Eating Meat in Finland,』 can be freely accessed at: www.tse.fi/en, search word 『vegetarianism』

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