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Daily Tips
Tip to relax a little more - Be organized. Make a daily, weekly or monthly schedule
Hallo again, it’s me Ruffie the dog. Sometimes we need a pause in the day to be with our inner selves. Today’s tip might help us to relax a little more. Be organized. Make a daily, weekly or monthly schedule. This will allow you to manage your time around projects, meetings and other activities. Be sure to schedule in time for yourself, so that you can do something you enjoy that is not related to school or work! We hope that helps.
Did you know that owning a pet is good for your health?
I’m Oinky the piglet. Today we would like to share with you a tip on staying healthy. Did you know that owning a pet is good for your health? A study written by Dr. Deborah Wells of Queen’s University in Belfast says that pets can decrease your blood pressure, cholesterol levels and triglyceride levels, and they make you feel happy. If you own a dog you also increase your opportunities for exercise and outdoor activities. So we wish you a happy, caring relationship between you and your pet. And if you are thinking of getting a pet, get one from an animal rescue shelter. This will save their life, and then both you and your pet can live happy, healthy lives together.
tip to improves the environment and saves trees
Today’s tip is one that improves the environment and saves trees. I love trees, as do most birds; so please help me to save them. Recycle your magazines and news papers. Using recycled paper products also saves trees, and nowadays you can even read your favorite newspaper online, some of them are even free.
Get a rainwater storage tank
My name is Trumpy the elephant. I’d like to share a tip with you today. We elephants like to drink a lot of water, so this tip is about using less tap water and collecting rain water. Today’s tip is perfect for those who like to do everything possible to protect our Earth. Get a rainwater storage tank: this can be buried underground or you can have an above ground cistern. The water can be used to flush toilets and wash clothes. Your flowers, plants and garden will also surely enjoy it. With a suitable filter system the water can even be used for drinking. Sounds like a good plan to me.
tip to reduce waste - Reuse, reuse and reuse whatever you can
Today’s environmental tip to reduce waste is…Reuse, reuse and reuse whatever you can. Switch from disposable to reusable products whenever possible. Some easy switches you can make include food and beverage containers, writing pens, razors, diapers, napkins, towels, and grocery shopping bags. By reusing as much as we can there will be less manufacturing, which means less energy usage, less carbon dioxide emissions and less pollution, for a cleaner, healthy world. That’s right, dear viewers, a cleaner, healthy world. For horses like me, it’s greatly appreciated. We can run and gallop in Nature’s beautiful, verdant valleys, filled with fresh air.
use draft excluders to save energy
The tip is to use draft excluders to save energy. These are fitted at the base of doors; they prevent vast amounts of cold air from entering the house and heat from getting out. By using draft excluders, you will save money and electricity. It’s also a good idea to check that your fridge door is sealed properly so that it doesn’t overwork in trying to keep its contents cold. By saving energy, we can save money and the planet.
Instead of buying bottled water, use a water filter instead.
I have a tip to share with you that helps to keep our environment clean and green. Instead of buying bottled water, use a water filter instead. There are many options for filtration, and most of them are simple and easy to use. With a filter, you'll never have to buy bottled water again. This is way to save the world from plastic waste. It’s a beautiful world to live in, so let’s put in a pitching hand to keep it that way. And now for the weather forecasts from around the world.
For people who travel with their pets - tag your dog or other animal companions
For people who travel with their pets, it is important to not only tag your luggage, but to also tag your dog or other animal companions. Ensure that your dog has a sturdy collar with an address and telephone number. To guarantee the dogs protection while traveling, tape your local contact information or your cell phone number onto the tag before leaving, or get a second tag. Also, carry a current photograph of your dog that can be copied, to make it easier for others to recognize your dog and return if he gets lost.
Try replacing cut flowers with potted versions
we’d like to share a useful tip - cut flowers are pretty and smell good, but are disposable after just a few days. Try replacing them with potted versions. They last longer and improve indoor air quality by converting CO2 into oxygen. If cut flowers are a must, try buying organic to limit the effects of chemical pollutants on the environment.
consider replacing incandescent light bulbs with the more energy efficient and longer lasting compact fluorescent bulbs
We have mentioned today’s tip before, but we can't emphasize it enough: consider replacing incandescent light bulbs with the more energy efficient and longer lasting compact fluorescent bulbs. According to research by Energy Star, if every American home replaced just one light bulb with a compact fluorescent bulb, we would save enough energy to light more than 2.5 million homes for a year and prevent greenhouse gases equivalent to the emissions of nearly 800,000 cars. So let’s make the switch to compact fluorescent bulbs, for a cleaner, greener environment.
tip about preventing osteoporosis
Today’s tip is about preventing osteoporosis. In addition to including calcium and vitamin D in one’s diet, exercise is a key component in preventing osteoporosis. Director of the University of Connecticut Center for Osteoporosis, Lawrence Raisz, says exercise makes bones stronger. A bone that isn’t subject to impact shrinks. Weight lifting and resistance training make bones stronger, and walking, jogging, tennis and soccer improve bone health. So for strong healthy bones exercise is an answer.
friendly planet tip - buy organic fruits and veggies
Today a friendly planet tip: If given the choice, then we should buy organic fruits and veggies. Organic means the food is free from pesticides and herbicides. Organic is healthier for you, and the planet and the animals. Luckily, organic food is becoming widely available in grocery stores around the world. So enjoy meals that are good for your health and the environment. Time for my favorite, a nice crispy organic apple.
shower tips save water and electricity - install low-flow showerheads and faucets
Today’s shower tips save water and electricity. Did you know that you can reduce your water bill by up to 50 percent? Simply install low-flow showerheads and faucets and you'll use half the water without decreasing performance. Now you can turn your hot water boiler down to 50°C(120°F) and see hot water costs go way down. You’ll save money every month, and help conserve the earth’s precious resources.
pet friendly tip for hamsters - Choose a good cage
Today we have a pet friendly tip for hamsters. Choose a good cage. Hamsters love to exercise, so ensure their cage is large enough for them to be active in. Find a cage that is easy to clean and make it a comfortable home for your hamster. Wood shavings, shredded paper or napkins work well for bedding and nesting. Because hamsters like privacy when they sleep, include a hideaway, such as a small box with a hole in it. Also include an exercise wheel, water bottle and a food tray. A happy hamster makes a good companion, so make a fun, safe and comfortable home for your pet friend.
filtered tap water in a reusable bottle or cup
And now for a tip, even though there are some good quality bottled water industries, like biodegradable water bottles, you still can't beat filtered tap water in a reusable bottle or cup. To save on packaging the same goes for other widely-consumed beverages, like coffee, and tea. Reusable bottles and mug-flasks are becoming widely available in different sizes, shapes and colors. It should be easy to find one that’s just right for you.
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