Настоящее & предыдущее расписание
  2008-12-14     Sun
: : Слова Мудрости : :
God is the Source of All Creation - Part 3
Nov. 15, 1989 - Argentina (In English & Spanish)
Субтитры: English Chinese Aulac Spanish French German Russian Arabic Persian Italian Hungarian Portuguese Hindi Hebrew Polish Punjabi Thai Indonesian Korean
      WMV (123 MB)     MP4(181 MB)  
: : Путешествие в сферу эстетики : :
Zoroastrianism: Symbols and Ceremonies of an Ancient Faith (Persian)
Субтитры: English Chinese Aulac Spanish French German Russian Arabic Persian Portuguese Indonesian Korean Croatian
: : Вегетарианство – достойный образ жизни : :
The Compassion & Innovations of the Brahma Kumaris - Part 3 (In Hindi)
Субтитры: English Chinese Aulac Spanish French German Russian Arabic Persian Italian Portuguese Thai Indonesian Korean
: :Между Мастером и учениками : :
A Gift of Love: Simple & Nutritious Cooking with Supreme Master Ching Hai
* Pumpkin & Vegan Cheese
* Vegan Orange Ice Cream
Nov 21, 2008
Субтитры: English Chinese Aulac Spanish French German Russian Arabic Persian Italian Hungarian Portuguese Hindi Thai Indonesian Japanese Korean Croatian Bulgarian
      WMV (104 MB)     MP4(205 MB)   MP3(66 MB)
: : Мир животных – наши соседи по планете : :
Recycling Computers:A Bright Idea for People & the Planet
Субтитры: English Chinese Aulac Spanish French German Russian Arabic Persian Portuguese Indonesian Malay Korean
: : Просветление на досуге : :
The World Around Us
Temples of Kyoto, Japan (In Japanese)
Субтитры: English Chinese Aulac Spanish French German Russian Arabic Persian Thai Malay Korean


  "Supreme Master Television" прекратил вещание 2 января, 2012
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