Summer Wraps for a Raw Vegan Picnic with Chef Dorit      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Summer Salad
Cayenne pepper
Basil leaves
Peppermint leaves
Coconut meat
Sesame oil
Coconut aminos
Brown rice vinegar

Create Summer Wraps with:
Rice paper
Collard greens
Romaine lettuce

  1. Put some fennel into bowl.
  2. Slice and dice some zucchini and add in into the fennel.
  3. Add in some cayenne pepper, a little bit of cinnamon.
  4. De-pit some olives, chopped them finely and add in into the bowl.
  5. Add in some shaving carrot.
  6. Add in some chopped basil and peppermint.
  7. Add in some chopped tomatoes.
  8. Add in some diced coconut.
  9. Mix them all.
  10. Add a little bit of sesame oil, some coconut aminos, a little bit of salt and some brown rice vinegar.
  11. Mix them all up.
  12. This mixture can a salad by itself or will be making into a wrap.
  13. Take two sheets of pre-soaked rice papers.
  14. Put some of the salad mixture in the paper rice, and wrap it.
  15. Use toothpicks to hold it.
  16. A different way, use collard greens and romaine lettuce as the wrapper.
  17. With the romaine lettuce, you can spread the salad mixture and it looks like a boat.
  18. Add in some avocado into the boat, and squeeze a lime and sprinkle it on top of the salad.
  19. Add in the rest of the olives.
  20. Ready to be served.

trackback : http://suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/vege_ru/1057

File NO: 1681
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