Mongolian Noodle Soup with Gluten and Vegetable Stir-Fry (In Mongolian)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Mongolian Noodle Soup
20 grams brown mushroom
40 grams tofu
20 grams carrot
50 grams potato
10 grams ginger
30 grams dehydrated soy protein
150 grams flour
15 mushroom seasoning
5 grams salt
3 grams of soy sauce
3 grams basil

Gluten and Vegetable Stir-Fry
100 grams gluten
30 grams broccoli
50 grams tofu
50 grams (or 3) colored sweet peppers
20 grams wood ear /black mushroom
20 grams brown mushroom
20 grams sesame oil
15 grams mushroom seasoning
5 grams salt
20 grams olive oil

  1. Previously soak the mushroom in hot water and steam the potatoes.
  2. Heat the olive oil, then add in a little bit of ginger. Mix it for a while.
  3. Add in 20 grams of mushroom. Sauté them well.
  4. Slice the potatoes and the tofu in the same shape.
  5. Add in the potatoes.
  6. Add in the tofu.
  7. Add in 30 grams of dehydrated soy protein. Fry them.
  8. Add 20 grams of carrot and fry them well.
  9. Add in 500 grams of water, 3 grams of soy sauce, some mushroom seasoning, and some salt.
  10. When the water starts boiling, add in 150 grams of flour.
  11. Add in 3 grams of basil.
  12. Let the soup boils.
  13. When the soup starts boiling, break some seaweed and add in into our soup.
  14. To prepare the Vegetable Stir Fry, cut the peppers, the glutens, and a little bit of tofu.
  15. Pre-heat some good vegetable oil, and then add in the bell pepper.
  16. Add in the broccoli that has been soaked in hot salty water for about 1 to 2 minutes.
  17. Add in the tofu, the potatoes, and the soaked black mushroom. Fry them well.
  18. Add in the mushroom seasoning and some salt in it.
  19. Add in a little bit of sesame oil. Stir.
  20. Put it on a plate, and ready to be served.

trackback : http://suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/vege_ru/1098

File NO: 1772
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